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Favorite tour from the MTM cycle?

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What was your favorite tour from the album? I'd have to say mine is a tie between Projekt Revolution 2007 and the 2008 Arena Tour.

Posted (edited)
  eng42ine said:

I'm gonna say PR07, only because that was my first concert, and I liked the band on the tour better.

Hartford 2007 was such a kick ass show, probably one of my favorite shows that I've been to. I listen to the DSP all the time. But I agree, I loved all the bands on PR07 and I think that it made for a better experience. I loved the bands on PR08 too, it's just I was more into the bands last year and the weather was better last year, too. I also hated being the beginning of the tour, I went to Mansfield which was the first day and Hartford which was like the 4th show.

Edited by Geki

LP setlist/energy wise was PR07. I had Set A and they just came out with Wake/Given Up and fucking rocked us to hell and back with like 7-8 straight songs. Wake, Given Up, No More Sorrow, Lying From You, Somewhere I Belong, Don't Stay, From The Inside, Papercut, Points Of Authority. That's a great way to start it off. Chester NAILED the scream on FTI PERFECTLY...they tore through Papercut like fire too.


TLTGYA/WID from ATL 07 are still my favorite performances of those songs. TLTGYA was so special because not only was that my favorite MTM song going into the actual show (so I was really excited to hear it), but Mike asked if anyone was from New Orleans....the only time he did that. The actual performance of the song kicks some major ass...I still think that's the best one of the entire cycle. OSC in the encore was fucking SWEET....as soon as that fade-in started before the clickclickboom sample, people started climbing up in their seats and it was so damn cool. That OSC riff kicked in on that intro and it was insanity...people jumping off seats, the whole crowd going crazy.


It was so fucking hot but man LP fed off that crowd perfectly...and it was great. ITE's bridge was like the first time they cut the guitars out and we lost it. BIO was great, the outro was sick to end the show. Overall a perfect show for my first one...LP fucking tore that place DOWN. PR08 was excellent, but the energy can't be rivaled to the PR07 Atlanta show that I attended. I like the PR08 setlists, but I mean LP talked more to the crowd and overall the show was just a little better in 07 than 08. So yeah PR07 is my favorite. PR08 was good, but not as good. As far as other bands go, PR08 for sure. Chris Cornell holy shit, Hunger Strike was amazing. I loved Be Yourself, Show Me How To Live, etc, etc - good times.


PR08 set-wise...I mean OSC opening is good but when it closed in West Palm, holy shit those people lost it. The PR07 set A setlist is exactly the one I wanted and I got it...and I just think it's definitely superior to the 08 ones. Don't get me wrong, I had an absolute blast at PR08, but I like that set I got at PR07 just a tad better.


Europe 08 was very lucky. RME and APFMH? Soooooo jealous.


i personally think LP sounded alot better at PR07, i also liked the setlist better in 07.....the only thing that excited me from PR08 was PMA (studio)...i was dying to hear that song and they fucking rocked it.

Posted (edited)

I also loved the US arena tour too though, that was great. I went to the show in Manchester, NH. I was front row on the bar the entire show and Chester had a lot of energy that night. It was also the first show Valentine's Day had an intro and the second time ever that Mike did Umbrella. A Place For My Head and One Step Closer ending the show was fucking amazing, the best closing songs IMO.

Edited by Geki

PR07 and summer Euro tour 2008... If I have to choose one of them, then - summer European tour. LP concert where I've been was on this tour, but this isn't only one reason for pick European tour - it was great tour, because there was a lot unique things (RME, PMA studio), and setlists was, I think, the best of MTM tour... Also LP have done more improvisations on this tour (like different RME at Vilnius, no BIO drums solo at Riga or Graz show, where Mike rapped TTG first time over new POA outro).


Anyone will create topic for LP shows reviews (Like Hahninator's post bottom)? Maybe this topic already exists?

Posted (edited)
  And One LTU said:

PR07 and summer Euro tour 2008... If I have to choose one of them, then - summer European tour. LP concert where I've been was on this tour, but this isn't only one reason for pick European tour - it was great tour, because there was a lot unique things (RME, PMA studio), and setlists was, I think, the best of MTM tour... Also LP have done more improvisations on this tour (like different RME at Vilnius, no BIO drums solo at Riga or Graz show, where Mike rapped TTG first time over new POA outro).


Anyone will create topic for LP shows reviews (Like Hahninator's post bottom)? Maybe this topic already exists?

I wish LP did RME on PR08...

Edited by Geki

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