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Band Member Pages


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Hi y'all, the new era really set off the writer within me so I've been spending some time these past weeks working on some pages we've been putting off of starting for a long time. One such project are pages for the band members, and with the recent shake-up I thought it'd be a good time to write these up and give clarification to the band members' lives and output. I've only started a couple so far (with a lot of the early life/early career info coming from the Xero and Hybrid Theory pages), but I've made enough progress to the point where I wanna open it up to you guys and ask if there's anything I didn't cover that you'd like to see more info on, or if anything is confusing to read. Let me know!


Here's what I've got done so far, and who I've yet to get to.





  • Rob Bourdon
  • Dave "Phoenix" Farrell
  • Chester Bennington
  • Emily Armstrong
  • Colin Brittain
  • Alex Feder
  • plans to update the previous LP/Xero members sections on the Linkin Park page - some may be expanded to a full page
    • Scott Belsha

    • David Garrett

    • Andrew Lanoei

    • Kyle Christener (HT 20th Anniversary lawsuit)

    • Mike Elizondo (Heavy Is The Crown)

    • Mark Wakefield


Also planning on adding gear sections (written by Astat) and a personal life/family section to the pages as well after the main parts of each are written


Another question I want to ask - should we do pages for other related-bands members? Like the DBS/Grey Daze/FM members & other important people in the band's sphere?

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That's is awesome can't wait to check it.


According to you: are these guys 

Scott Belsha

David Garrett

Andrew Lanoei

Kyle Christener

Mark Wakefield


Former Linkin Park members since they were part of Xero or HT?


Because so many people say that Mark Wakefield it's  an ex Linkin Park members and I just don't get it, they reformed after the failure of Xero and then became another entity.

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