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59 shows in this category

  1. 2012.06.29 Los Angeles, California

    Photo Icon: , Yes, Ticket Icon: , Yes, Year: 2012 Month: 06 Day: 29 Show Date: 06/29/2012 Previous Show: 2012/20120627 URL Link: 2012/20120629 Next Show: 2012/20120806 City: Los Angeles State: California State Abbr: CA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Club Nokia Venue Type: Music/Concert Hall Venue Website: http://www.clubnokia.com/ Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: X-Games MUSIC Event/Festival Italics: 0 Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:

    Source 1a: Video - PROSHOT (Webcast: Myspace.com)

    Time: 85:05 mins

    Format: FLV / 1.39 GB

    Comments: Live webcast. The last half of 'Bleed It Out' and the show ending is missing, otherwise full show. Audio volume issues. Poor quality.


    Source 1b: Video - PROSHOT (Webcast: Myspace.com)

    Time: 91:25 mins

    Format: .mp4 / 912 MB

    Comments: Webcasted July 3. Full show. Better quality.


    Source 2: Video - AUD (iPhone 4S)

    Taper: Unknown

    Time: 87:01 mins

    Format: .mov (1080p) / 12.80 GB

    Comments: Full Show. 'TINFOIL' is cut.

    Setlist Icon: , Yes, Set: Headline Notes: , Yes, Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Tinfoil Song Notes 1: Shortened Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Faint Song Notes 2: Ext. Outro Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Papercut Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: With You Song Notes 4: 2012 Ext. Intro; Ext. Scratch Outro Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Runaway Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Given Up Song Notes 6: Ext. Outro w/ Extra Note Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Blackout Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Somewhere I Belong Song Notes 8: 2012 Ext. Intro Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: New Divide Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Lies Greed Misery Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Points Of Authority Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Waiting For The End Song Notes 12: Apaches Intro w/ Until It Breaks Verse 3; Wall Of Noise Outro Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Breaking The Habit Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent Song Notes 14: Ballad Medley Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: The Catalyst Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: What I've Done Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Crawling Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: One Step Closer Song Notes 18: Ext. Outro Song No 19: 19 Song Name 19: Burn It Down Song No 20: 20 Song Name 20: In The End Song No 21: 21 Song Name 21: Numb Song No 22: 22 Song Name 22: Bleed It Out Song Notes 22: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ 'Sabotage'; Ext. Outro Show Notes:

    - On the intro of 'With You', Mike demanded that the crowd up top in the balcony stand up.

    - Mike rapped verse two of 'Until It Breaks' over the intro to 'Waiting For The End'.

    - Even though the setlist listed an encore break, the band stayed on stage after 'One Step Closer' and performed the show without an encore break.

    - 'Bleed It Out' featured the Beastie Boys' 'Sabotage' bridge.

    Other Notes:

    - The day of this show was Linkin Park Day at Dodger Stadium, where the Dodgers took on the New York Mets. Mike, Phoenix and Joe participated in pregame activities at the ballpark and Joe wore a Dodgers jersey on stage during the show.

    Show Photo Link: No Show/Tour Poster Link: No Ticket Stub Link: No Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  2. 2012.10.08 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Photo Icon: Yes Ticket Icon: Yes Year: 2012 Month: 10 Day: 08 Show Date: 10/08/2012 Previous Show: 2012/20121007 URL Link: 2012/20121008 Next Show: 2012/20121010-1 City: Rio de Janeiro State: Rio de Janeiro State Abbr: BR Country: Brazil Country Abbr: BR Venue: Citibank Hall Venue Type: Music/Concert Hall Venue Website: http://www.citibankhall.com.br Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Living Things South American Tour Show Number: 3 Show Number Total: 5 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:

    Source 0: Audio - SBD (LP LIVE)

    Time: 102:18 mins

    Format: mp3 / 320 kbit/s


    Source 1: Video - AUD (Sony DCR-SR68)

    Taper: hiagolpsk (kennjii)

    Time: 98:11 mins

    Format: mpg (480p) + mov (720p) / 4.39 GB + 290 MB

    Comments: Shot from the pit. Very shaky. 'One Step Closer' recorded on iPhone 4.


    Source 2: Video - AUD (Samsung Galaxy S Advance)

    Taper: Slim Shinoda

    Time: 45:19 mins

    Format: mp4 / 3.80 GB

    Comments: Shot from the FOH. Distorted audio. Bridge of 'A Place For My Head' until 'Shadow Of The Day' when the device ran out of memory. Shared on ThePirateBay on October 10, 2012.

    Setlist Icon: Yes Set: B Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: A Place For My Head Song Notes 1: Long Intro Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Given Up Song Notes 2: Ext. Outro w/ Extra Note Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: New Divide Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: With You Song Notes 4: 2012 Ext. Intro; Ext. Scratch Outro Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Somewhere I Belong Song Notes 5: 2012 Intro Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: In My Remains Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Victimized (w/ QWERTY) Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Points Of Authority Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Lies Greed Misery Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Waiting For The End Song Notes 10: Apaches Intro w/ Until It Breaks Verse 3; Wall Of Noise Outro Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Breaking The Habit Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent Song Notes 12: Ballad Medley Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: The Catalyst Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: Lost In The Echo Song Notes 14: 2012 Intro w/ Holding Company Synth Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Crawling Song Notes 15: Acapella Live Debut Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: In The End Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Numb Song Notes 17: Numb/Encore Outro Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: What I've Done Song Notes 18: Sing-a-long Outro Song No 19: 19 Song Name 19: Burn It Down Song No 20: 20 Song Name 20: Bleed It Out Song Notes 20: Ext. Bridge w/ 'Sabotage'; Ext. Outro First Encore Song No 1: 21 First Encore Song Name 1: Tinfoil First Encore Song Notes 1: Shortened First Encore Song No 2: 22 First Encore Song Name 2: Faint First Encore Song Notes 2: Ext. Outro First Encore Song No 3: 23 First Encore Song Name 3: Lying From You / Papercut First Encore Song Notes 3: Medley First Encore Song No 4: 24 First Encore Song Name 4: One Step Closer First Encore Song Notes 4: Ext. Outro Show Notes:

    - There were a few technical difficulties during the show. Mike's microphone was accidentally muted during the first verse of 'A Place For My Head'. Brad's guitar also got muted too early on 'Points Of authority', so the outro "hits" were just bass and drums, until the last note. Mike makes a comment about it and the crowd got a short chant for Brad going before 'Lies Greed Misery'. There was a pretty big gap between 'Breaking The Habit' finishing and Mike starting 'LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent', meaning that the issues with the keyboard likely started around there.

    - Mike rapped verse two of 'Until It Breaks' over the intro to 'Waiting For The End'.

    - Due to keyboard problems after 'Lost In The Echo', the band moved up 'In The End' in the setlist before 'Numb'. Before they played 'In The End', Chester sang the first verse of 'Crawling' acapella for the crowd, who had been chanting for it throughout the show.

    - Mike and Chester both sang part of the lyrics to 'Numb/Encore' over the outro of 'Numb'.

    - 'Bleed It Out' featured the Beastie Boys' 'Sabotage' bridge.


    - This was the first time the first verse of 'Crawling' was sung as an acapella.

    Other Notes:

    - There was no opening band at this show.

    DSP Icon: Yes Show Photo Link: No Show/Tour Poster Link: Yes Ticket Stub Link: Yes Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  3. 2012.10.10 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Photo Icon: Yes Ticket Icon: Yes Year: 2012 Month: 10 Day: 10 Show Date: 10/10/2012 Previous Show: 2012/20121010-1 URL Link: 2012/20121010 Next Show: 2012/20121011 City: Rio de Janeiro State: Rio de Janeiro State Abbr: BR Country: Brazil Country Abbr: BR Venue: Citibank Hall Venue Type: Music/Concert Hall Venue Website: http://www.citibankhall.com.br Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Living Things South American Tour Show Number: 4 Show Number Total: 5 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:

    Source 0: Audio - SBD (LP LIVE)

    Time: 92:51 mins

    Format: mp3 / 320 kbit/s

    Comments: The "Game Of Thrones" intro to 'With You' was removed entirely due to copyright reasons.


    Source 1: Video - AUD (Sony DSC-HX9V)

    Taper: Renato Andrijauskas

    Time: 42:39 mins

    Format: .mts (1080i) / 7.89 GB

    Comments: Amazing video shot from the front row. 'With You', 'Faint', 'Victimized', 'Lying From You', 'Somewhere I Belong', 'In My Remains', 'LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent', 'What I've Done', 'Burn It Down', 'In The End', 'Lost In The Echo' and 'One Step Closer' only.


    Source 2: Video - AUD (iPhone 4)
    Taper: Soares
    Time: 15:51 mins
    Format: .mov (720p) / 1.16 GB
    Comments: 'The Catalyst', 'Burn It Down', 'Numb', 'Lost In The Echo' and 'One Step Closer' only.


    Source 3: Video - AUD (iPhone 4)
    Taper: hiagolpsk (kennjii)
    Time: 13:33 mins
    Format: mov (720p) / 0.99 GB
    Comments: Clips of 'With You', 'Somewhere I Belong', 'Breaking The Habit', 'In The End', 'Sabotage' and 'Lost In The Echo'.

    Setlist Icon: Yes Set: C Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: With You Song Notes 1: Game Of Thrones + 2012 Ext. Intro; Ext. Scratch Outro Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Faint Song Notes 2: Ext. Outro Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Given Up Song Notes 3: Ext. Outro w/ Extra Note Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Victimized (w/ QWERTY) Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Lying From You Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Somewhere I Belong Song Notes 6: 2012 Intro Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: New Divide Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: In My Remains Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Empty Spaces Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: When They Come For Me Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Waiting For The End Song Notes 11: Apaches Intro w/ Until It Breaks Verse 3; Wall Of Noise Outro Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Breaking The Habit Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent Song Notes 13: Ballad Medley Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: The Catalyst Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: What I've Done Song Notes 15: Album Transition Intro; Sing-a-long Outro Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Burn It Down Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: In The End Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: Numb Song Notes 18: Numb/Encore Outro Song No 19: 19 Song Name 19: Bleed It Out Song Notes 19: Ext. Bridge w/ 'Sabotage'; Ext. Outro First Encore Song No 1: 20 First Encore Song Name 1: Lost In The Echo First Encore Song Notes 1: 2012 Intro w/ Holding Company Synth First Encore Song No 2: 21 First Encore Song Name 2: Papercut First Encore Song No 3: 22 First Encore Song Name 3: One Step Closer First Encore Song Notes 3: Ext. Outro Show Notes:

    - Mike rapped verse two of 'Until It Breaks' over the intro to 'Waiting For The End'.

    - After the sing-a-long outro to 'What I've Done', Mike said "If there was one place in the world where that would go over well, it would be here right? It's like an eight thousand person choir in this room."

    - Mike and Chester both sang part of the lyrics to 'Numb/Encore' over the outro of 'Numb'.

    - 'Bleed It Out' featured the Beastie Boys' 'Sabotage' bridge.

    Other Notes:

    - There was no opening band at this show.

    DSP Icon: Yes Show Photo Link: No Show/Tour Poster Link: Yes Ticket Stub Link: Yes Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  4. 2012.11.07 Cape Town, South Africa

    Photo Icon: Yes Ticket Icon: Yes Year: 2012 Month: 11 Day: 07 Show Date: 11/07/2012 Previous Show: 2012/20121012 URL Link: 2012/20121107 Next Show: 2012/20121110 City: Cape Town State: Western Cape State Abbr: ZA Country: South Africa Country Abbr: ZA Venue: Cape Town Stadium Venue Type: Stadium Event/Festival: + 7th LPU Summit Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Living Things South African Tour Other Bands:


    Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 2 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:

    Source 0: Audio - SBD (LP LIVE)

    Time: 93:14 mins

    Format: mp3 / 320 kbit/s


    Source 1: Video - AUD (Unknown) (Center Shot)

    Location: Back stands, center

    Taper: Brent Webber

    Time: 91:42 mins

    Format: ? / ? GB

    Comments: Uploaded to

    on November 12, 2012. 'In The End' is cut until the first chorus. Shot from the VERY back of the stadium, a long way away from the stage. Zoom does pretty good from that spot. Audio is not great and sometimes when he zooms in he is missing the band members, zooming too high.

    Pre-Show Heading: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 1: 01 Pre-Show Song Name 1: Faint Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal; Ext. Outro Pre-Show Song No 2: 02 Pre-Show Song Name 2: With You Pre-Show Song Notes 2: Rehearsal; 2012 Ext. Intro; Ext. Scratch Outro Pre-Show Song No 3: 03 Pre-Show Song Name 3: Somewhere I Belong Pre-Show Song Notes 3: Rehearsal; 2012 Intro Pre-Show Song No 4: 04 Pre-Show Song Name 4: In My Remains Pre-Show Song Notes 4: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 5: 05 Pre-Show Song Name 5: New Divide Pre-Show Song Notes 5: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 6: 06 Pre-Show Song Name 6: Victimized (w/ QWERTY) Pre-Show Song Notes 6: Rehearsal Setlist Icon: Yes Set: A Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Tinfoil Song Notes 1: Shortened Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Faint Song Notes 2: Ext. Outro Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Papercut Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Given Up Song Notes 4: Ext. Outro w/ Extra Note Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: With You Song Notes 5: 2012 Ext. Intro; Ext. Scratch Outro Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Somewhere I Belong Song Notes 6: 2012 Intro Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: In My Remains Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: New Divide Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Victimized (w/ QWERTY) Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Points Of Authority Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Lies Greed Misery Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Waiting For The End Song Notes 12: Apaches Intro w/ Until It Breaks Verse 3; Wall Of Noise Outro Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Breaking The Habit Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent Song Notes 14: Ballad Medley Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: The Catalyst Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Lost In The Echo Song Notes 16: 2012 Intro w/ Holding Company Synth Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Numb Song Notes 17: Numb/Encore Outro Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: What I've Done Song No 19: 19 Song Name 19: One Step Closer Song Notes 19: Ext. Outro First Encore Song No 1: 20 First Encore Song Name 1: Burn It Down First Encore Song No 2: 21 First Encore Song Name 2: In The End First Encore Song No 3: 22 First Encore Song Name 3: Bleed It Out First Encore Song Notes 3: Ext. Bridge w/ 'Sabotage'; Ext. Outro Show Notes:

    - There were very high winds during this performance. Distortion from the wind on the mics is slightly audible on the DSP at the start of 'LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent'.

    - Chester messed up the lyrics on 'Given Up'.

    - On 'Points Of Authority', Chester forgot part of the chorus each time it was sung. Mike corrects him and at the end of the song, Chester said, "Thanks for telling me that line Mike, I couldn't remember it for the entire fucking song... it's funny, I just kept saying the same line over and over again."

    - Mike rapped verse two of 'Until It Breaks' over the intro to 'Waiting For The End'. Chester let the crowd sing the first "wishing I had strength to stand" on the song as well.

    - Mike messed up on the last line of 'The Catalyst', singing "It can't be outdone, it can't be outdone" instead of the correct line "It can't be outfought, it can't be outdone".

    - Mike and Chester sang part of the lyrics to 'Numb/Encore' over the outro of 'Numb'.

    - 'Bleed It Out' featured the Beastie Boys' 'Sabotage' bridge.

    Other Notes:

    - This was Linkin Park's first show in South Africa.

    - This was Linkin Park's first show in Africa.

    - For the 7th LPU Summit, the band performed a seven song soundcheck before the show. An earlier draft of the soundcheck setlist (found in the dressing room during the LPU Summit) included 'Faint', 'With You', 'Lies Greed Misery', the studio version of 'Leave Out All The Rest', the Ballad Medley, and 'Lost In The Echo'.

    - A number of fans were injured before the show when scaffolding outside the venue fell on them due to the high winds. One fan died as a result and a number of others were hospitalized. Mike addressed the accident at the following show in 2012.11.10 Johannesburg.

    DSP Icon: Yes Show Photo Link: No Show/Tour Poster Link: No Ticket Stub Link: No Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  5. 2012.12.11 Austin, Texas

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2012 Month: 12 Day: 11 Show Date: 12/11/2012 URL Link: 2012/20121211 Next Show: guesting/20130810G City: Austin State: Texas State Abbr: TX Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Austin City Limits Live at The Moody Theater Venue Type: Theatre Venue Website: http://acl-live.com/ Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: Dell World 2012 Event/Festival Italics: 0 Performing Act: Camp Freddy Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:

    Source 1: Video - AUD (Unknown)

    Taper: Bob Kelly

    Time: ? mins

    Format: Unknown

    Comments: Missing '20th Century Boy' and 'Rock And Roll All Nite.' 'Relax,' 'Man In The Box' and 'You Really Got Me' are incomplete. Full source uploaded to YouTube on December 14, 2012.

    Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Relax Song Notes 1: Frankie Goes To Hollywood cover Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: 20th Century Boy Song Notes 2: T. Rex cover Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Rock And Roll All Nite Song Notes 3: Kiss cover Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Killing In The Name Song Notes 4: Rage Against The Machine cover Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Rocky Mountain Way Song Notes 5: Joe Walsh cover Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Man In The Box Song Notes 6: Alice In Chains cover Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Enter Sandman Song Notes 7: Metallica cover Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Sweet Emotion Song Notes 8: Aerosmith cover Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: You Really Got Me Song Notes 9: The Kinks cover Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Mountain Song Song Notes 10: Jane's Addiction cover Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Sympathy For The Devil Song Notes 11: The Rolling Stones cover Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Whole Lotta Love Song Notes 12: Led Zeppelin cover Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Walk This Way Song Notes 13: Aerosmith cover w/ Chester Bennington & Mike Shinoda Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: (You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party!) Song Notes 14: Beastie Boys cover w/ Chester Bennington & Mike Shinoda Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Sex Type Thing Song Notes 15: Stone Temple Pilots cover w/ Chester Bennington Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: One Step Closer Song Notes 16: Linkin Park cover w/ Chester Bennington & Mike Shinoda; Ext. Outro Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Paradise City Song Notes 17: Guns N' Roses cover w/ Chester Bennington Show Notes:

    - Steve Stevens (not a Camp Freddy member) played guitar on '(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party!)', 'Sex Type Thing' and 'Paradise City'.


    - This is the first time that Camp Freddy has covered 'One Step Closer'. It is also the first time that Chester has sung covers of 'Walk This Way', 'Fight For Your Right' and 'Sex Type Thing'. It is possible that he actually performed 'Sex Type Thing' with Grey Daze, since it's known that the band were playing STP covers from time to time, but there are no evidences of them ever playing this particular song.

    Other Notes:

    - Both Mike and Chester joined Camp Freddy for three songs and Chester sang 'Sex Type Thing' and 'Paradise City' as well. It was the first time that Mike has guested with Camp Freddy. He participated in Dell World 2012 by giving a software presentation/demo.

    - Other guests of Camp Freddy during the show included Mark McGrath, Steve Stevens, Sully Erna, David Draiman, Fred Durst, and Perry Farrell.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  6. 2012.09.12 Monterrey, Mexico

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2012 Month: 09 Day: 12 Show Date: 09/12/2012 Previous Show: 2012/20120910 URL Link: 2012/20120912 Next Show: 2012/20120914 City: Monterrey State: Nuevo León State Abbr: MX Country: Mexico Country Abbr: MX Venue: Arena Monterrey Venue Type: Arena Venue Website: http://www.arenamonterrey.com Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: MTV World Stage Event/Festival Italics: 0 Other Bands:


    Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 2 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:

    Source 0a: Video - PROSHOT (Official Release)

    Time: 43:40 mins

    Format: DVD

    Comments: Released as a bonus DVD to The Hunting Party on June 17, 2014 at Best Buy. Censored. 'A Place For My Head', 'New Divide', 'Somewhere I Belong', 'Points Of Authority', 'Lies Greed Misery', 'Lost In The Echo', 'What I've Done', 'Burn It Down', 'In The End', 'Bleed It Out', and 'One Step Closer' only. Listed as ten songs only on the Best Buy website, but 'New Divide' is included as well (which is not in the tracklisting), making it eleven songs.


    Source 0b: Audio - SBD (Unreleased)
    Format: Digital

    Comments: Two songs, 'LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent' and ''One Step Closer', leaked on June 13, 2019 with the "LP LIVE EXPERIENCE DRAFT ONE 14.02.14" mix by Mike. Files are professionally mixed and are longer than the audio in the broadcasted versions. Possible that 'Faint' is also from this source.


    Source 1a: Video - PROSHOT (MTVLA: MTV World Stage)

    Time: 47 mins

    Comments: Uncensored. 'A Place For My Head', 'New Divide', 'Somewhere I Belong', 'Points Of Authority', 'Lies Greed Misery', 'LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent', 'Lost In The Echo', 'What I've Done', 'Burn It Down', 'In The End', 'Bleed It Out' and 'One Step Closer'. Broadcasted October 5th.


    Source 1b: Video - PROSHOT (MTV Live HD: MTV World Stage)

    Taper: jTV

    Time: 44:18 mins

    Format: .ts (1080i) / 3.37 GB

    Comments: Censored. 'A Place For My Head', 'New Divide', 'Somewhere I Belong', 'Points Of Authority', 'Lies Greed Misery', 'Lost In The Echo', 'What I've Done', 'Burn It Down', 'In The End', 'Bleed It Out' and 'One Step Closer'. Broadcasted 3 weeks after the premiere on MTVLA.


    Source 1c: Video - PROSHOT (MTVLA.com)

    Time: 7:02 mins

    Format: .flv (480p) / 87.7 MB

    Comments: 'Given Up' and 'In My Remains' only. This source was previously listed as two .mp4 (720p) files with a total of 123 MB. Turns out the mp4 files were screen captures. The flv (480p) files are the originals hosted on MTVLA's website.


    Source 1d: Video - PROSHOT (VH1 HD)

    Taper: CELOBRAZiL

    Time: 44:15 mins

    Format: .ts (1080i) / 2.17 GB

    Comments: Censored. 'A Place For My Head', 'New Divide', 'Somewhere I Belong', 'Points Of Authority', 'Lies Greed Misery', 'Lost In The Echo', 'What I've Done', 'Burn It Down', 'In The End', 'Bleed It Out' and 'One Step Closer'.


    Source 1e: Video - PROSHOT (MTV Germany)

    Taper: Verue

    Time: 44:00 mins

    Format: .ts (1080i) / 3.68 GB

    Comments: Censored. 'A Place For My Head', 'New Divide', 'Somewhere I Belong', 'Points Of Authority', 'Lies Greed Misery', 'Lost In The Echo', 'What I've Done', 'Burn It Down', 'In The End', 'Bleed It Out' and 'One Step Closer'. Broadcasted on May 9, 2014.

    Setlist Icon: Yes Set: B Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: A Place For My Head Song Notes 1: Long Intro; Ext. Outro Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Given Up Song Notes 2: Ext. Outro w/ Extra Note Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: New Divide Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: With You Song Notes 4: 2012 Ext. Intro; Ext Scratch Outro Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Somewhere I Belong Song Notes 5: 2012 Intro Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: In My Remains Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Victimized (w/ QWERTY) Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Points Of Authority Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Lies Greed Misery Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Waiting For The End Song Notes 10: Apaches Intro w/ Until It Breaks Verse 3; Wall Of Noise Outro Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Breaking The Habit Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent Song Notes 12: Ballad Medley Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: The Catalyst Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: Lost In The Echo Song Notes 14: 2012 Intro w/ Holding Company Synth Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Numb Song Notes 15: Numb/Encore Outro Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: What I've Done Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Burn It Down Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: In The End Song No 19: 19 Song Name 19: Bleed It Out Song Notes 19: Ext. Bridge w/ 'Sabotage'; Ext. Outro First Encore Song No 1: 20 First Encore Song Name 1: Tinfoil First Encore Song Notes 1: Shortened First Encore Song No 2: 21 First Encore Song Name 2: Faint First Encore Song Notes 2: Ext. Outro First Encore Song No 3: 22 First Encore Song Name 3: Lying From You / Papercut First Encore Song Notes 3: Medley First Encore Song No 4: 23 First Encore Song Name 4: One Step Closer First Encore Song Notes 4: Ext. Outro Show Notes:

    - Mike rapped verse two of 'Until It Breaks' over the intro to 'Waiting For The End'.

    - Mike sang part of the lyrics to 'Numb/Encore' over the outro of 'Numb'.

    - 'Bleed It Out' featured the Beastie Boys' 'Sabotage' bridge.

    Other Notes:

    - This is the band's first show in Mexico since March 2, 2002 when they played in Mexico City with Korn just after Projekt Revolution 2002.

    - The stage for this show was a combination of what the band used on the Honda Civic Tour and a stage idea MTV had for the World Stage performance.

    Official Release: Yes Show Photo Link: No Show/Tour Poster Link: No Ticket Stub Link: No Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  7. 2012.09.14 Mexico City, Mexico

    Photo Icon: , Yes, Ticket Icon: , Yes, Year: 2012 Month: 09 Day: 14 Show Date: 09/14/2012 Previous Show: 2012/20120912 URL Link: 2012/20120914 Next Show: 2012/20120922 City: Mexico City State: Distrito Federal State Abbr: MX Country: Mexico Country Abbr: MX Venue: Arena Ciudad de México Venue Type: Arena Venue Website: http://www.arenaciudaddemexico.com Event/Festival Italics: 0 Show Number: 2 Show Number Total: 2 Show Category: showwithoutsources Sources:

    Source 0: Audio - SBD (LP LIVE)

    Time: 90:56 mins

    Format: mp3 / 320 kbit/s

    Comments: Added to the catalogue after the show.

    Setlist Icon: , Yes, Set: A Notes: , Yes, Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Tinfoil Song Notes 1: Shortened Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Faint Song Notes 2: Ext. Outro Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Papercut Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Given Up Song Notes 4: Ext. Outro w/ Extra Note Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: With You Song Notes 5: 2012 Ext. Intro; Ext. Scratch Outro Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Somewhere I Belong Song Notes 6: 2012 Intro Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: In My Remains Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: New Divide Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Victimized (w/ QWERTY) Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Points Of Authority Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Lies Greed Misery Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Waiting For The End Song Notes 12: Apaches Intro w/ Until It Breaks Verse 3; Wall Of Noise Outro Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Breaking The Habit Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent Song Notes 14: Ballad Medley Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: The Catalyst Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Lost In The Echo Song Notes 16: 2012 Intro w/ Holding Company Synth Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Numb Song Notes 17: Numb/Encore Outro Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: What I've Done Song Notes 18: Album Transition Intro; Sing-a-long Outro Song No 19: 19 Song Name 19: One Step Closer Song Notes 19: Ext. Outro First Encore Song No 1: 21 First Encore Song Name 1: Burn It Down First Encore Song No 2: 22 First Encore Song Name 2: In The End First Encore Song No 3: 23 First Encore Song Name 3: Bleed It Out First Encore Song Notes 3: Ext. Bridge w/ 'Sabotage'; Ext. Outro Show Notes:

    - Mike rapped verse two of 'Until It Breaks' over the intro to 'Waiting For The End'.

    - Mike and Chester both sang part of the lyrics to 'Numb/Encore' over the outro of 'Numb'.

    - 'Bleed It Out' featured the Beastie Boys' 'Sabotage' bridge.

    Other Notes:

    - There was no opening band at this show.

    DSP Icon: , Yes, Show Photo Link: No Show/Tour Poster Link: No Ticket Stub Link: No Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  8. 2012.10.07 São Paulo, Brazil

    Photo Icon: Yes Ticket Icon: Yes Year: 2012 Month: 10 Day: 07 Show Date: 10/07/2012 Previous Show: 2012/20121005 URL Link: 2012/20121007 Next Show: 2012/20121008 City: São Paulo State: São Paulo State Abbr: BR Country: Brazil Country Abbr: BR Venue: Arena Anhembi Venue Type: Outdoor Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Living Things South American Tour Other Bands:

    Charlie Brown Jr.

    Show Number: 2 Show Number Total: 5 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:

    Source 0: Audio - SBD (LP LIVE)

    Time: 92:08 mins

    Format: mp3 / 320 kbit/s

    Comments: 'One Step Closer' is mislabeled as "19 TinFoil".


    Source 1a: Video - PROSHOT (Multishow)

    Transfer: INTEK Cable TV receiver > PC Hardrive > TMPGenc Authoring Works 5 (Cutting and authoring)

    Taper: Shipahead

    Time: 92:31 mins

    Format: DVD M / 2.34 GB

    Comments: Live broadcast.


    Source 1b: Video - PROSHOT (BIS)

    Taper: rafgdf

    Time: 87:54 mins

    Format: .ts (1080i) / 5.69 GB

    Comments: Full show. Has hardcoded Portuguese subtitles throughout the entire show.


    Source 2: Video - AUD (Sony DSC-WX100)

    Taper: ArchangelxDarkness

    Time: 42:18 mins

    Format: .mts (1080i) / 3.42 GB

    Comments: Incomplete. 'Tinfoil', 'Faint', 'Given Up', 'With You', 'Somewhere I Belong', 'In My Remains', 'New Divide', 'Victimized', 'Waiting For The End', 'LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent', 'The Catalyst', 'Numb', 'What I've Done', 'Burn It Down', and 'In The End' only.


    Source 3: Video - AUD (Sony DSC-HX100V) (Center Angle)

    Taper: Febia

    Time: 89:39 mins

    Format: .mts (1080i) / 7.15 GB

    Comments: Full show. Shaky shot from the pit.

    Setlist Icon: Yes Set: A Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Tinfoil Song Notes 1: Shortened Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Faint Song Notes 2: Ext. Outro Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Papercut Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Given Up Song Notes 4: Ext. Outro w/ Extra Note Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: With You Song Notes 5: 2012 Ext. Intro; Ext. Scratch Outro Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Somewhere I Belong Song Notes 6: False Start; 2012 Intro Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: In My Remains Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: New Divide Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Victimized (w/ QWERTY) Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Points Of Authority Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Lies Greed Misery Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Waiting For The End Song Notes 12: Apaches Intro w/ Until It Breaks Verse 3; Wall Of Noise Outro Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Breaking The Habit Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent Song Notes 14: Ballad Medley Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: The Catalyst Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Lost In The Echo Song Notes 16: 2012 Intro w/ Holding Company Synth Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Numb Song Notes 17: Keyboard Intro; Numb/Encore Outro Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: What I've Done Song Notes 18: Album Transition Intro; Sing-a-long Outro Song No 19: 19 Song Name 19: One Step Closer Song Notes 19: Ext. Outro First Encore Song No 1: 20 First Encore Song Name 1: Burn It Down First Encore Song No 2: 21 First Encore Song Name 2: In The End First Encore Song No 3: 22 First Encore Song Name 3: Bleed It Out First Encore Song Notes 3: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ 'Sabotage'; Ext. Outro Show Notes:

    - Mike rapped verse two of 'Until It Breaks' over the intro to 'Waiting For The End'.

    - For the first time, Mike played a keyboard intro to 'Numb', the same piece he played on the Minutes To Midnight touring cycle that was played after the song (the "Outro keyboard transition"). At the end of the song, he and Chester sang part of the lyrics to 'Numb/Encore' over the outro.

    - Fans attempted to do a flashmob during the encore break by throwing balloons, holding up signs for 'Robot Boy' (since it hasn't ever been played live), and singing lyrics to the song. However, the balloons were thrown earlier during 'LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent' and during the encore break many fans forgot the words to 'Robot Boy' and instead sang part of 'Powerless'.

    - Mike went out in the crowd during 'In The End'.

    - 'Bleed It Out' featured the Beastie Boys' 'Sabotage' bridge. Chester had the crowd chant "São Paulo!" over and over on the intro to the song.

    Other Notes:

    - The support act at this show, Charlie Brown Jr., was the same band that opened Linkin Park's show in Brazil in 2004.

    - During the encore break and after the show, all of the band members interacted with the TV announcer on the side of the stage.

    DSP Icon: Yes Show Photo Link: No Show/Tour Poster Link: Yes Ticket Stub Link: Yes Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  9. 2012.06.05 Berlin, Berlin

    Photo Icon: Yes Ticket Icon: Yes Year: 2012 Month: 06 Day: 05 Show Date: 06/05/2012 Previous Show: 2012/20120603 URL Link: 2012/20120605 Next Show: 2012/20120606 City: Berlin State: Berlin State Abbr: BE Country: Germany Country Abbr: DE Venue: Admiralspalast Venue Type: Music/Concert Hall Venue Website: http://www.telekom-streetgigs.de/ Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: Telekom Street Gigs Event/Festival Italics: 0 Color Code: green Tour: European Tour Show Number: 6 Show Number Total: 12 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:

    Source 0: Video - PROSHOT (Official Release)

    Time: 73:54 mins

    Format: DVD

    Comments: Shown in theaters throughout the US on June 25. The Living Things+ DVD is the theatrical cut (we combined the old theatrical source with the official release source). 'Runaway', 'Points Of Authority', 'The Catalyst' and 'Crawling' were cut. 5.1/stereo audio.


    Source 1a: Video - PROSHOT (ProSieben HD)

    Taper: killer

    Time: 50:36 mins

    Format: .ts (1080i) / 5.80 GB

    Comments: Broadcasted June 22 and 23. Only 'TINFOIL', 'Faint', 'With You', 'Somewhere I Belong', 'New Divide', 'Lies Greed Misery', 'What I've Done', 'One Step Closer', 'Burn It Down', 'In The End', 'Numb' and 'Bleed It Out'.


    Source 1b: Video - PROSHOT (Telekom Street Gigs Webcast)

    Time: 68 mins

    Comments: Webcasted June 25. 'Runaway', 'Points Of Authority', 'The Catalyst' and 'Crawling' were not included. Interviews were shown after the concert.


    Source 1c: Video - PROSHOT (Telekom Street Gigs Webcast)

    Taper: BlackChester

    Time: 75:40 mins

    Format: .mp4 HD 720 / 3.23 GB

    Comments: Webcasted June 25. 'Runaway', 'Points Of Authority', 'The Catalyst' and 'Crawling' were not included. Interviews were shown after the concert.


    Source 1d: Audio - FM (Fritz)

    Taper: _volta_

    Time: 71:22 mins

    Format: FLAC / 478 MB

    Comments: Broadcasted June 21. 'Runaway', 'Points Of Authority', 'The Catalyst' and 'Crawling' were not broadcasted. Recording glitch during 'Faint' between 3:00 and 3:07.


    Source 1e: Video - PROSHOT (Viva)

    Taper: [AndOne]

    Time: 45:45 mins

    Format: .ts (576i) / 1.41 GB

    Comments: Broadcasted June 23 and 24. Same songs as source 1b but different interviews in the beginning.


    Source 1g: Video - PROSHOT (BIS HD)

    Time: 46:39 mins

    Format: .ts (1080i) / 2.85 GB

    Comments: 'Tinfoil', 'Faint', 'With You', 'Somewhere I Belong', 'New Divide', 'Lies Greed Misery', 'What I've Done', 'One Step Closer', 'Burn It Down', 'In The End', 'Numb' and 'Bleed It Out'. Has hardcoded Portuguese subtitles throughout the entire show.

    Pre-Show Song No 1: 01 Pre-Show Song Name 1: Powerless Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Pre-Show Music Video Filming Setlist Icon: Yes Set: Headline Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Tinfoil Song Notes 1: Shortened Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Faint Song Notes 2: Ext. Outro Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Papercut Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: With You Song Notes 4: 2012 Ext. Intro; Ext. Scratch Outro Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Runaway Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Given Up Song Notes 6: Ext. Outro w/ Extra Note Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Blackout Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Somewhere I Belong Song Notes 8: 2012 Ext. Intro Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: New Divide Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Lies Greed Misery Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Points Of Authority Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Waiting For The End Song Notes 12: Apaches Intro w/ Until It Breaks Verse 3; Wall Of Noise Outro Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Breaking The Habit Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent Song Notes 14: Ballad Medley Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: The Catalyst Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: What I've Done Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Crawling Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: One Step Closer Song Notes 18: Ext. Outro Song No 19: 19 Song No 20: 20 Song No 21: 21 Song No 22: 22 Song No 23: 23 Song No 24: 24 Song No 25: 25 First Encore Song No 1: 19 First Encore Song Name 1: Burn It Down First Encore Song No 2: 20 First Encore Song Name 2: In The End First Encore Song No 3: 21 First Encore Song Name 3: Numb First Encore Song No 4: 22 First Encore Song Name 4: Bleed It Out First Encore Song Notes 4: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ 'Sabotage'; Ext. Outro Show Notes:

    - Mike rapped verse two of 'Until It Breaks' over the intro to 'Waiting For The End'.

    - 'Bleed It Out' featured the Beastie Boys' 'Sabotage' bridge.

    Other Notes:

    - Before the show, Linkin Park "performed" Powerless at soundcheck to be included in a video of the song to promote Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (including footage from the song, the film, and other portions of the Berlin show). It was directed by Timur Bekmambetov. Very few shots of Brad are shown due to Mike recording the guitars on the song in the studio. It is unknown if they played along with a backing track, halfway performed it, or played the full song. This is the only time that the song has been played live in any form by the band.

    - The show was filmed for the Living Things concert event in USA theaters June 25, 2012. Later, the theatrical release was released on the Living Things+ DVD.

    - Tickets for this show were given out for free in limited numbers to LPU members. Non-LPU members could win tickets from a Telekom Street Gigs contest to gain admission.

    - There was no LPU M&G or opening band at this show.

    - A DSP was listed for this show originally and then removed from the DSP site after the show. Finally, on July 13 after people emailed the DSP support, they received the following reply: "Unfortunately, the June 5 Berlin show was accidentally added to the LP bootleg series. For contractual reasons we are unable to release the show for download. To make up for the mistake we would like to offer you free downloads of any two Linkin Park shows. We are very sorry for the mistake and apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you."

    Official Release: Yes Show Photo Link: No Show/Tour Poster Link: No Ticket Stub Link: No Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
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