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Posts posted by lpmitch

  1. I lol'ed so hard when I read that! :) (though Meteora will always be my baby)



    I also find it funny When They Come For You is either a LOVE or HATE song. When I first heard it I couldn't get past Monkey Mike, but Chester saved that song for me. I wish they hadn't screwed with his voice so much. Chester is from the rare breed that has a true singing voice that doesn't need to be "fixed" with computers. And I'll go with the majority of nay-sayers who want more tradional guitar because I prefer rock music compared to electronic. I'm not saying that the songs "suck" without it, but I don't like the heavy electronic influence (especially on Blackout) personally.


    Still I think LP did a really good job with this album (what I've heard anyways).

    you'll love the messenger then! and from what i've seen, Robot Boy is more of that love it or hate it song. i see a bunch of people that list it as their least favorite song on the record, but myself and a few others ive seen list it as our favorite.. The thing about this album is that it has helped me realize why i love linkin park so much; yes i got into linkin park because of the heavy "nu-metal" sound, but in the end its all about a great beat, and a beautiful/catchy vocal melody or rap verse sung overtop of great backing musical progressions, whether it be heavy guitars or a synth pad or bass line or whatever.
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