Hey everyone... First off, I'm Bob, long time member and lurker, but never really post, so take it easy on me if I mess up. So I'm going to the Cincinnati show in Feb. and I'm buying tickets the moment they are available. But I can't decide... Pit (which I've never done but want to experience) Or seats, which should be great. Some details... I really don't want to wait for hours in line to get a good spot in the Pit, so I could end up at the back.... or I could hope to pull seats really close, but not experience the pit. Is the back of the Pit still a better experience than really good seats? I've been to two LP concerts so far, and always had seats. You can just FEEL the energy in the Pit though. I guess I'm trying to talk myself into getting G/A tix, but would like to hear some stories first. I will wait in line for hours if I must, I live about 20 minutes from the venue so no problem there (It will be cold as all get the fuck out though). Thanks for any input guys, and if your going to the Cincy show too, maybe we could meet up!