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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. It was a Russian site They posted official vob files great quality stuff I loved the way they organized the site You can download live shows from lptracker I don't really care anymore about having tons of media in my computer LPLive channel on YouTube fills my needs.
  2. Friendly Fire sounds like a cool song title but it will probably suck due to it being a song from OML sessions. Meteora full b sides are a must have.
  3. Someone should check the actual song length from a recording of 2002 What if without the dead moments and talking we could actually get a real full set?
  4. Watch them remove all the interesting tracks like Forgotten, My Own Summer, My December, Step Up & By Myself 😂😂😂😂
  5. Thanks for your service soldier It's been a fun day.
  6. At this point they should release everything in vhs 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 The scan lines that a dvd produces makes me want to rip my eye balls off
  7. I've seen footage upscaled by fans it really upgrades the quality a ton day & night difference.
  8. I love this release but I'll say something different about it What's missing? 💔Team Sleep My December remix 💔Docklands 2001 instead of RAR 01 💔Blu-rays instead of DVDs 💔Collection of upscaled music videos 💔Remastered version of HT
  9. Let's start the campaign dude, im dead serious. None of the demos have the quality to be the lead single of this release. APFMH has every element of what HT is all about. BTW im not taking about having the demo version of the song that would be very awkward. APFMH ALBUM FUCKING VERSION I NEED THAT FUCK YEAH.
  10. They should release A Place For My Head as the lead single, no one would complain Fan favorite A great fucking video Best song of the album by far.
  11. Hopefully the band played only like an extended version of the intro and the song blows up HT style. I have faith.
  12. The only digital track that i bought in my whole life was Home Sweet Home w Chester because I couldn't find it anywhere. DVD era is over Let's make blu-ray the standard for everything.
  13. Is HT going to be remastered? Is it necessary?
  14. I do I just don't believe that there's going to have a significant difference from what we already have.
  15. Well the leaked tracklist only has two unknown songs the rest of the tracks is stuff that we already heard. The target of this release are the casual fans not us A casual fan doesn't know about the existence of She Couldn't.
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