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Everything posted by montyLPU

  1. three members i think... this setlist was fucking amazing. and well ordered too. bastards *shakes fist* place for my head over bleed it out ftw.
  2. That video is the best of them all so far! I'm screencapping the shit out of it! haha!
  3. hi. im monty. i played faint in perth. and yeah, i've been the president of the perth LPUers. id also like to shout out big thanks to cory, hugo, maurice, jim, tim, and of course, kurt! oh, and LP (esp mike/chaz) lol was the greatest night of my life. i hope they change the setlist for the rest of the country, but i have to say... normally they alphabetize different sets. on M2M world tour they had 4-6 different setlists. the setlist in perth didnt have something to signify that it was a specific set. ie. from london 08 set list was set T, perths set on tues said nothing like that on the sheet. IF ANYONE HAS PHOTO/VIDEO OF FAINT ON TUESDAY, PLEASE EMAIL ME: mon_tk@hotmail.com
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