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Posts posted by Sidney

  1. It's like China owns Hong Kong and Macau but I consider them their own countries. They have their own governments, etc...the Chinese just won't let go (no surprise). You have to have your passport stamped to go from one to the other or to/from China. Hong Kong competed in the 2008 Beijing Olympics on their own team. We put the Macau and Hong Kong flags on LPLive for the show pages instead of China, too. It's like they are 99% their own countries.


    Yeah China adopts 一国两制 (One country, two kinds of governance) so all those socialism stuff from mainland government won't mess up Macau & Hong Kong. Sort of like a buffer.


    Anyway, merely according to the photo, which is a Permission for Performance, all these listed songs SHOULD get played, at least in Beijing.


    Still I wouldn't hold my hope too high, because you've got one thing right about our mighty socialism government: they are 200% nuts. Never ever try to guess what they were, what they are, or what they will be thinking.


    Sadly I couldn't be at the show in Chongqing, got a wedding to attend to. Pffff.

  2. so here's the link(have my friends in US and Europe tested, should works fine)


    and here's how to start download:

    1. click the quoted file link "2007.06.08_Lisbon,Portugal.rar"

    2. enter the verification code(four numbers) and click "获取下载". btw, this step may not appear

    3. then click "点击此处开始下载" to start download(direct download/right click -> save as)

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