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    Leeds UK

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  1. jealous! Nice vids
  2. Hey, i'm Chloe from YORKSHIRE England and i also saw DBS in january and met Chester/Elias/Brandon :D As you can see, i'm a huge popster here on LPL. I know quite a few of you guys already anyway. ooh, and i love Julien-K!
  3. at least they are releasing something. This si going to be awesome anyway; Someday Soon (Fu’s Dirty Edit)- HELL YEAH
  4. Ah! this is so exciting. i really hope they do tour, but from what Ryan says i reckon it will be at a different time, cause he referred to it like DBS, Julienk-K, Orgy tours. and 3 DIFFERENT bands, so different tours!? :)
  5. not exactly difficult
  6. yep, and new section= less complaining from everyone about Julien-K news :D
  7. OMG! didnt realise that was my first post!! xD hey guys
  8. HAHA! this was just mean!!! :'( And, talinda is always giving good news.. like the photos from transformers w of LP shooting the New Divide video
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