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Posts posted by juliensunrise

  1. i attended a listening party so i decided to post for once. they gave us paper with the tracklisting to make notes on so here are some of mine. wish we could have heard 'the morning after'.


    i just saw that fire and my suffering have been posted online so i decided not to post my thoughts on those. basically i thought they were good but had a little too many vocal pieces. lots of layering. i like the electronica influence but it sounds kind of weird with chester's voice since we are not used to that with linkin park. my suffering is a bad ass heavy song that has some great double bass and screaming. "drumming is great!" is one thing I wrote for suffering.


    - walking in circles: ok so we heard this song at club tattoo. "now do not disturb, scream in silence, everyone's sleeping" is a line that sticks out. i also like the drumming on this song a lot. simple but effective. whoever produced this cd i guess decided to take chester's vocal takes and layer it four or five times in these verses so it sounds a bit weird to me and doesn't really make me like the song. on the second chorus, chester says 'walking in circles' again over the original chorus but in a higher tone, so that sounds pretty cool. he really hits some high notes which makes the song cool. guitar is groovy and dark. nice work by the julien-k guys - the drumming and guitar work saves the song. 3 out of 5. could be 5/5 best song on the cd but i really havent ever heard chester this way before and it's hard to form an opinion on hearing his voice so...."mainstream/produced". it's a different kind of mainstream than new divide, if you can understand that.


    - let down: i heard the acoustic version of this in 2005 and i have to say i prefer that version a lot more. the guitar solo is almost all but gone. in the studio version they take the first few notes of that acoustic solo and loop it/drag it out over the bridge. amir and ryan's nasty breakdown is missing from the studio version completely. chester sounds great right before the verses with his "ohhhh, ohhh ohhhhh" pieces. the verses are a bit weird since he sings one line by himself and then the next line has layered vocals times 3, then its just one vocal, then 3 chester's again, etc. instrumental is nice but the song is a major heart break for me because i was really looking forward to hearing amir's awesome solo. acoustic version is much better due to chester's vocal range and the guitar. i think this song will be really nice live.


    - inside of me: now this is some awesome shit right here! catchy, semi-heavy instrumental. noone has ever heard chester like this before. i have nothing but praise for this track other than the vocals. for some reason I cant get into chesters vocals on the cd due to him sounding like such a robot. other than that though, this track is made of epic win. fans of 'given up' and 'numb/encore' rejoice - "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME" echoes right before the chorus. "I feel alone everyday. and you are so far away - i know something's had to change INSIDE OF ME". very solid lyrics on this track. the bridge guitar is sick and elias adds great drums to it. best track on the CD right here! totally love this song. the track is great. i love the 'what the hell is wrong with me' and the line after that too that he screams; what a great work up to the chorus.


    - give me your name: possibly the worst track on the cd from my observation. slow instrumental with heavy guitar licks every now and then to make it sound ballad-y and like a western cowboy sort of rock. sounds like a song to slow dance too. not really my sort of thing...but if chester wanted to make a song like that then he succeeded. i prefer the heavier songs.


    dbs is going to be a live band. they are like nine inch nails. totally different live than in the studio. cd wasn't that great for me personally but there are a few tracks that will rock it. too late is going to surprise a lot of people.

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