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Posts posted by thegluelpfan

  1. actually,the mikeshinoda.com is still under maintenence..

    So,that's why your comment stillnot being approve..

    At the same time,there'sonly 2 section which is BLOG and STORE..

    if b4 this,there's a MUSIC,PHOTO's and etc.

    So,juz wait the site is complete..

    Yeah I thought it might be that too...I don't know:DLast night I managed to post a comment so I hope the problem is gone.But thanks anyway:)

  2. Does anyone else have problems posting comments on mikeshinoda.com?Because for the past 3 days I haven't been able to post.My comments just don't show up for some reason.I think there are other people with my problem...When I check back the posts there are my comments with "your comment is awaiting approval" underneath but no one can see them.So does anyone else have that problem and can someone tell me why this is happening?

  3. Question: I love the artwork! Shame that there isn't a Digipack version availble "yet" to make the product look more professional looking! Would you know If there will be a digipack version availble In the near future for our digipack lovers? Thank you!

    Who came up with the concept for the arwork?
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