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Posts posted by hybridtheory_gc

  1. Sorry If I keep posting about this in this thread but I'd like to know what you guys have to say/have experienced in relation to my ear ringing/fullness problem after the LP concert:


    I saw a 2nd doctor 2 days ago and had a hearing test (audiometry) as well. For the hearing test, my hearing/hearing loss was in the normal range (<=20) and the doctor said there was no mild or severe damage to it or my ears after looking at them.


    He said that the ringing will most probably disappear after a week at most (man I sure hope so) and prescribed me medrol for 4 days and vitamin b complex for a week (for nerve healing/regeneration I believe).


    So yeah, it's about 5 full days now (since I noticed it Wednesday morning) and my left ear's become clogged/muffled even though it wasn't like this in the beginning (and I feel like only the right ear's ringing now but I can't say for sure).


    Still, hoping the medication works and I'm also jogging for better blood circulation to the ear.


    Any thoughts or similar experiences? Thanks.

  2. Hello LPL,


    Just wanted to share an unfortunate thing I am experiencing.


    Right after the concert ended, I noticed my hearing was a little off/muffled but it normalized after a few minutes (a fan I was next to also shouted close to my right and this my hurt my ear a little bit but it didn't bother me after).


    I was able to get home and then sleep about 3 hours after the concert ended and I didn't notice any ear ringing. After waking up however, I noticed that there was ringing in my ears (can't tell which ear or if both) and the ringing continued throughout the day. I woke up this morning and the ringing was still there (so it's been 48+ hours already). My left ear also felt clogged after I jogged this morning.


    Has anyone had a similar experience? How long did it take before the ringing disappeared? I hope this isn't permanent (I don't want to add this to my other medical conditions). I don't really go to many rock concerts and I always try to keep the volume in the middle-levels when using earphones.



  3. Might be the first time I have ever seen that complaint!

    Their earlier material just doesn't resonate with me like they once did. I guess a part of me outgrew them. I was hoping to see them play When they come for me, Victimized, and any other songs from ATS/LT.


    Also, if it still hasn't been confirmed, there was no RME or any other verse during Bleed it Out.

  4. Sorry man! Thanks for the heads up. We try to be as accurate as possible but we do make mistakes :) That is one of the first times I've seen something listed on the setlist and then it was taken off, but the band continues doing it.




    Wow! That's such a huge gap between shows. Have fun. Really fucking awesome. I think VICTIMIZED will come at your show, and probably Catalyst too, since they'll be playing a full set (over 20 songs). The last three shows were all festival setlists.


    Awesome photos. The first one doesn't work, can you link it up again? Would you care if we added them to our Manila 2004 show page? They'd be great to put up :)


    Don't worry about the setlist, the guys at LP PH I'm sure will tweet it live :)

    Here's the correct link for the first photo - http://t.co/MaRIT3TcOw


    And yeah, feel free to put them in the show page (hope you can give me credit though)

  5. Been 9 years, 1 month, and 29 days but today, I see Linkin Park live again.


    Also, Looked at LP's Summer Sonic 2013 sets & saw that they didn't play The Catalyst & QWERTY/Victimized. Sucks. Probably won't play those 2 here as well.


    Also, for anyone interested, here are some old/film-based photos I took during LP's last concert in the Philippines:


    Brad - https://twitter.com/gerardcue/status...190275/photo/1

    Chester and Dave - http://t.co/MwIFEy3w1b

    Mike - http://t.co/MGDsFMXs0P

  6. The song from Out of Ashes that I can relate to the most is Let Down. We all first heard Let Down back in 2005, and while the final version was different from the live version that Chester first sang, the lyrics remained unchanged. Let Down's lyrics to me were about breakups/failed relationships and the regret that comes with it when going through those things.


    Back in 2005, I got really depressed for an extended period of time after breaking up with my high school girlfriend. Yeah, I was younger back then and that was my first relationship so I really had a hard time handling the pain/sadness of going through a break up. And I also thought that I didn't want to go through all of that again.


    So when I first heard Let Down back in 2005, I immediately related to it. It really captured how I felt back then. Even today, I still listen to Out of Ashes version from time to time and think about how perfect the song was for my experience 5 years ago.

  7. My favorite Linkin Park Live moment is the first and only time I saw them live. This was a show during the Meteora World Tour 2004 in Manila. The band's performance was spectacular and the quality of the show's lights and sounds were excellent as well. Also, this might be the only time I'll be able to see LP in my life so that makes it even more special.

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