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Posts posted by Gonzalenz

  1. It's not nuts when you're seeing your favorite band in the world, in your entire life. It's SO worth it. This year we literally drove from Tampa to ATL, took a 2 hour nap then went to the venue at 11am and spent the entire day there even though LP didn't go on for 10 hours. Linkin Park is a great thing. If I lived in the northeast I'd act like Sal and go to like 8 shows a tour.

    You're so right. Since 2003 I'm trying to go to every show in Germany. I don't care how long it takes...by car or by train. For example, I slept 1h before I had to get up at 3.30am to get my train at 4.40am to Hamburg. Than a 6h drive and than directly to the summit. Sometimes it's really hard, espacially the way back home. But at the end of the day, it's all worth it. Been to 20 concerts and I wouldn't wanna miss anyone of that!
  2. the summit was pretty awesome. one word: unbelievable!

    it was so much fun to hang out with lpu members (+ Adam) and the band :)

    thanks for this day :) :) :) :) :)

    Yeah dude, you're so right. Big thanks to LP and also big thanks to whole crew, especially to Cory, Hugo and Adam. You're doing a great job and you always have a smile on your face, FANtastic.:)


    Awesome Summit, had so much fun with all you guys. Walking the stage playing bass and Chesters drums, having M&G, accoutic versions, had won the "Photographer for a day" and Chester was twice pointing at me while screaming....well I was screaming back, of course.:) And you can really see the band is having a blast on stage this year. I remember the times in 09 where they didn't even talked to the crowd. Now it's so much better. And the Hamburg audiance is by far the best in Germany. I'll never miss a show in Hamburg in the future. Btw, cool thing what Mike did.;)


    Best day of my life!

  3. In my opinion they weren't bad. Yes, their music and performing looks silly. But they were funny with their inflatable dicks and stuff, and in Helsinki they managed to pump the crowd up before LP, which the two other support acts couldn't do.

    If I wouldn't have been so far away from the stage I would have also trown my bottle to the stage like the other 20-30 people did. Sometimes they even hit them.lol I mean, they really deserve it... And they coulnd't take the audiance reaction and cursed at us und showed us the Mittelfinger.;) And because there was a break of 45min between "the others" and LP I think they would have played longer but they just left. The only time the crowd was clapping and screaming. Awesome.:)



    P.S. And guys, I don't remember RME over the intro. It was before the drum solo! After that APFMH.

  4. I had to laugh so hard... Guano Apes was the first band I went to a concert, and I love their old albums. But the new one...ok, don't wanna curse here. Wanted to break it in half after I listened to it the first time (and the last time). But I'm excited to see them again..

  5. I got a question... I got the eventim link with the password and so on.. but what means I can buy 2 tickets? Does that mean I can bring my girlfriend to the Summit?


    EDIT: and in the Readme it says that I have to print out the pass? what should I print? the pdf file saying that I have to buy tickets?^^ donno..

    That confused me in the beginning too. Look in the e-mail at the 2 links...this is where you'll find your summit pass.
  6. Oh yeah, will be there, too. One question...if the Summit "starts around 11a.m.", what happens if I cant make it to the arena before 11.30a.m.? Do I still get in? Will I miss something important? Cause it seems like I wont get a train that brings me to Hamburg before 11...

  7. I'm sure it wasn't the best crowd ever but Hamburg 2007 was insane... some years without a LP concert in Germany and then everyone went crazy that night, the only show in Germany in '07 (except the Berlin-Kesselhaus 1000 people gig), and I was just amazed.

    One of my favourite moments considering the crowd is the ITE recording (and the whole concert) at RaR 2004!


    You are so right. Hamburg 07 was insane. The party in front of the Arena when people were singing (i remember Nobody's Listening), a mexican wave the last 15 min before LP came out. Never forget that. But Cologne 10 was also sick. My 2 fav. shows I've attented.

  8. I just registered for the Hamburg M&G and there where no problems. Got my confirmation mail just like the other 3 Leipzig, Oberursel and Munich. But I was wondering...there will be like to 99,9% a Summit in Hamburg, they don't do the normal M&G's at Summits, right?!

  9. Hey guys, just wondering if there is already a way to sign up for the M&G in Europe? I'm going to all 4 german shows and I'm hoping for a Summit in Hamburg and a M&G in one of the other 3 cities. I clicked the "i'm going" button on linkinpark.com, but thats not where I sign up for the M&G, right? Could't find anything on lpunderground.com...

  10. oh thanks. i don't know much about cities and international names and what not.



    So they played Lyring From You and Leave Out All the Rest Again. I was hoping for two different songs again but this works


    At first I liked the replacement PPK/LFY cause it was unexpected and I was hoping for a complete new set. But I'd rather see/hear PPK than LFY...its just a classic. But hearing "The Messenger" live one time is enough for me so I was happy they played LOATR in Cologne...TM is just boring live and it means nothing to me...


    I'm hoping for some new stuff in Frankfurt next week...


    And BITS ove BIO has much more style than APFMH...doesn't fit to me in some way.

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