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  1. my thoughts about the scientology thing are what some others essentially already said — she's damned if she says something about her being part of it, damned if she doesn't. i wouldn't blame her at all if she never spoke about it, especially if it puts her in danger, as long as she makes it clear in other ways that her views don't align with theirs. it's the affiliation with a convicted rapist and allegations of harassing a rape victim that i'm more concerned about and i wish were addressed. purely musically, she sounds great and i do enjoy the new song and i like how it sounds. i liked how she sounded live with the guys, too. i'm gonna miss rob, but if it was his choice and he did a john deacon with the band, i can grow to respect and accept that decision and i'm curious to see if colin wrote some parts on the new album and if yes, how they sound. but i just really wish that they addressed what i already said i hope to be addressed.
  2. so does anyone know if brad will be playing the shows? i know he's still in, but was the return show having a different guitarist a one-time thing or is he studio-only now?
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