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  1. Bro you don’t scare me and this is the sort of fans lp have I wouldn’t want to come back either lol threatening people like it’s laughable there’s so much evidence and basically lplive admitting they are label plants cuz no way Mike would trust fans with shit
  2. LPLIVE will never know anything. They kept leaking stuff with Mike, said hurtful things about oml that hurt Chester, he got sick of them, Warner got sick of them and that’s why they ain’t ambassadors anymore haven’t been since 2019. They just want to think they know everything. They have so much guilt how they treated cb that’s why they act the way do. Clickbait like all the other fan sites. They just push for lp because they can never take back what they said to Chester and if none of you believe me go read his twitter responses to lplive. They are still up. They disrespect Mike cuz they were the ones that leaked MIUAIG. And he wasn’t happy. You all forgot Rob is missing, Joe didn’t care much for papercuts everyone is mentioning Joe cuz they saw it. What’s linkin park with 2-3 members huh. Mike doesn’t need the backlash you fans caused when he’s been there from day one. Remember post traumatic he could have done the other four and yeeted out but no. Twitch streams in Covid to make us feel less lonely and all you do is spew hate on him. You don’t know how to respect others. and why should Mike do everything for lp he has carried LP alone and the fans for 7 years. Where’s your precious Rob. Precious Dave. No one ever aims stuff at them why? Or Joe
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