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Posts posted by LinkInThePark

  1. I wish that they could give us, the hardcore fans ONE FUCKING SLOT to hear something like High Voltage, Forgotten, F09, P5HNG.


    It wouldn't hurt the beautiful ears of the casual fans.

    Agree! I want Figure 09. Not an outstanding song, but it is badass and has a great groove in the verse. Also By Myself. I can understand that they don't play it anymore, but, like you said, it would not hurt to play at least one or two rare songs each night.

  2. A line in the sand is no closing song and why should they play it any longer?

    I agree, even If I like the song (I'm glad I saw the song live). I can see NMS + ext. Intro as an opener.


    And they might play a song that have a lot of energy and power as their last one.

  3. I saw Arcane Roots in a little club as a support act for Enter Shikari in 2015. But there they did not have the stage presence.


    But LP should take a bigger band like Sum41 as support act for Berlin and the UK shows because of that ticket fucking price^^

    How are the prices for Berlin, any informations?

  4. I know this is old but...

    Talking as a representative person of Brazil, the country is big, and unlike the US, we don't get a proper tour around the country, all they do is come to São Paulo (Southeast) and there is a lot of fans that I've met that are from, the North, the South, the West part of the Country and they can't go and never saw LP live

    So, my idea is, for the band to play a show in one Capital of each region, that way they gain lots of money and fans will be happy that's for sure!

    If they could do that, not just in Brazil, but in major, big countries like it, then that would be great!

    The last major Brazil tour was 2012 I think. I don't know why they are playing less shows when they know that there are so many fans across the country. Especially in the case of Brazil. That's why U.K. Fans are pissed too. Either they don't play any shows or just in London and Manchester. When fans in Scotland sitting there an be like ,,Guys the UK is here in the north too and not just London and Manchester,, Somehow they understood it for Germany (lucky for me) and play like 9 shows in 2 weeks.
  5. Is it wrong that I'm more excited about this than the Linkin Park album? :lol:

    No, just different priorities even if one of your favourite bands is about to release a new album. If System Of A Down would announce a new record next week, I would be more hyped and exicited than about the new LP record to be honest with you.

  6. Well I've learned something from heavy n battle synphony..it's that lp should bloody ditch new way of recording go back to working on the music first then writing lyrics to fit the song. They worked harder on lyrics this time and you can't really tell that. they worked on music last and you can tell as instrumentals are weak go back to working hard on the actual song structure

    The way how they worked and wrote the lyrics sounded very complicated and I'm like "Sometimes the easy way is the better way"

    You can argue and say that they wanted to try something by changing the way they write music, but I don't really see this in Heavy and now Battly Symphony.

    You can clearly see how they approached MTM back in 2007 and you felt it that they changed something in the way they wrote the music. The same with ATS, you could see that they worked differently.



    So what will we see? ...


    Maybe some more promo TV shows in Europe or will they play also some little sweet shows? :huh: :ph34r: :blink:

    A Berlin rock radio station called "StarFM" also tease that you can win tickets for LP and othe bands like Rammstein, Aerosmith, Guns N Roses, Metallica, and many more since February.

    I thought that they talked about the LP show in Prague in June, but maybe the radio station knows that LP will do a secret show in Berlin in April O.o

    Who knows?!?!?! :P

    What about CircusHalliGalli? Something like Metallica did for them.

  8. I much prefer the heavy version. My only problem with the band is how much the just seem to resent nu metal and their original sound now, You can guarantee they would have pulled a BMTH by this point and completely stopped playing stuff pre-ATS if it wasn't for stuff like ITE, Numb, etc, being as big a hits as they are. Chesters comment at the end also just felt like a "fuck you" to anyone that got into them back in the HT days.

    Please, don't take that comment at the end serious. You can see that they are clearly joking about the massive hate about Heavy.


    It is just another Troll-action by LP to make fun about the hate.



    LPA: During the writing process for 'One More Light' we saw a number of artists mentioned, hinted at or seen in the studio who could have been potential collaborations for the album, including The Chainsmokers, Blackbear and Conner Youngblood among others. With the final tracklist noting the only feature as Kiiara, can you shed some light on if any of these came to fruition even as strictly writing credits on the new album? Blackbear posted a snapchat last year from the studio that many believe to be 'Sorry for Now', is this the case and was he involved in any way?


    MS: Generally, here's how it would work: we'd get in the room with someone, and start on something from scratch with them. We worked mostly in the same way we always write songs, but with extra firepower in the room. I think you already know some of the collaborators on the album: Andrew Dawson, Eg White, Justin Parker, RAC, Julia Michaels, Justin Tranter.


    On Sorry For Now, I had a finished vocal and a rough track that the whole band liked, but we all thought the track could use some spice. We invited Blackbear and Andrew Goldstein in with me, Chester, and Brad, and we created this vocal sample drop together that took the song to a whole new level. It was really fun having people with different perspectives and talents in the room each time.​

    That quote is from the LPA interview with Mike and they asked him about Sorry For Nów and it is most likely confirmed.

  10. They did so many pop song after the hunting party .

    They did darker than blood, welcome, waiting for tomorrow and also mike did things in the jeep and like riding a bike

    Those songs had nothing to do with LP. Those songs were features for other artist on their record but not on LP's. Guys should not put these songs and this record together in one bag

  11. yeah it is an abrupt change from THP, but we all saw it coming over the course of last year.


    I think it's time to let go of these haters who clearly don't know what they're talking about. Let them rage and complain all they want, they won't take away the love I have for this band

    I completely agree with you. It will be a tough year for LP, but it will not stop them from playing the best shows ever !

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