Songs I would like them to drop are:
Pushing Me Away (Piano) - It was pretty radical when it first came about, but it's been played to absolute death it's not even funny as a joke. Pushing Me Away studio is one of my favourite songs by Linkin Park, and I'm glad they've started playing it again. Please drop the piano.
The Little Things Give You Away - Just like Astat said. It doesen't really work that great live, and a total crowd snoozer considering how slowly the song builds up, whereas every other song is crowd feeding energy.
Lying From You - I love this song, and it's great live. However, it has been played soo many times, and It'd be great if they can drop this for another song of Meteora.
Any pop song cover - Just no. Don't ever do that again.
Songs they should play less frequently:
Crawling - I'm sure everybody has heard them play this song live. It doesen't quite reach the height of superbly amazing, and could be rotated with more hybrid theory songs.
Somewhere I belong - Waaaaay overplayed. It's not the biggest crowd pleaser by any means, I do wonder why they play it at almost every show.
Numb - Pretty much same as Crawling. Rotate it with other Meteora songs.
Bleed it out - This is one of those songs that makes a create finale to any show. However, it looses it's specialness when it's played all the time. At least rotate it with the studio Bleed It Out.