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About lparcshinoda

  • Birthday 05/31/1983

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  • LP Shows Attended
    15.06.2007 Venezia, Italy, Parco San Giuliano di Mestre, Heineken Jammin' Festival, Euro. Tour

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Italy, Terracina
  • Interests
    Music, Internet, Web and Programming. Video making and Music. Videogames, console, PC, lifestyles and psychology

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  1. For everyone who is attending, we're also organizing a Flashmob during the show for Until It's Gone (the video-tutorial here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmtLjjycTB4, you can also find it on the LPU board). Who's excited now?
  2. LINKIN PARK ITALIA representing the band in Imola! Thank you all for coming! Here is the ticket of this show, requested by Mark Show was great and the crowd was really noisy!
  3. You're not the one that you pretend to be naaa na na nna naaa
  4. haters gonna hate YOU
  5. LOL first message it's mine
  6. maybe someone isn't going at the show tonight but still is at LPU summit and bought the CD ....
  7. Download full quality version at http://www.arcweb.it/storage/wretches_and_kings_live.zip
  8. Yes, I'll upload the full quality MPEG2 version soon and link on the video description.
  9. Linkin Park performing Wretches and Kings live in Stuttgart (DE) on 22 October 2010. I decided to mount a live video of W&K to capture the energy and unique feel of a live show by Linkin Park World Tour 2010. Hope you Enjoy. Audio source is taken from the Linkin Park DSP official audio recording of the show that you can buy (if you liked the performance) at downloads.linkinpark.com. Video sources are taken from Youtube videos of the performance, unprofessionally recorded by professional fans of Linkin Park: you made a really good job, thank you all - hope you can find the same energy and emotion that you felt that night. For news and info on Linkin Park visit www.linkinpark.it and www.linkinpark.com. See ya there.
  10. The Radiance (piano version) for me
  11. Happy b-day you italian moth*rfucker Tanti auguri stronzone
  12. that's it - mike sings "will we burn" in the album version, both verses. In the live version he did a mistake and on verse 1 we have "as we burn" - just to shut up all of you haters he did it right in the second verse, singing "will we burn" correctly. Anyway, starting "female-like" chorus are done by him as well and sound different from the album ones. Point.
  13. You know ... It's an easy part to sing, and audio quality of the videos we've got doesn't let us judge totally if it's similar or just THE SAME track played and lip-synched. Maybe with DSP and pro-shots videos if they'll release those. Anyway, I think it's not - it would be a REAL disappointment.
  14. are you totally sure ?
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