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Everything posted by JomJom

  1. Sure man but i'd like you gave me a shoutout on there. BTW Sorry if i can't reply on msn, i'm almost always working or busy.
  2. I just got an interesting promo CD from the UK for Dead By Sunrise's first single, Crawl Back In. It comes in a cardboard sleeve package. I've taken some scans for you guys. Check them out: Front | Back | CD You can drop an email to hybridsoldier(AT)hotmail.co.uk for "more information" on the cd. Thanks To: HybridTheory.It
  3. lets start something by spreading this video http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=mWp1QfGuKlE Justice For L-P.IT & LPHQ
  4. ya that's pretty strange. When i went to the police, they told me "you've been sued for having shared copyrighted mp3s", so i told 'em i didnt have any download area since May, and no copyrighted mp3s were on my site. They just refused to give any further explanation and so i asked "which mp3s??," They just told me "we cant say anything." I couldnt do anything at all.
  5. word.
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