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MFR: Meet Linkin Park and Interview Them!

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Linkin Park news may be slow, but maybe you will have the chance to ask them what's up. Music For Relief has started a contest that you can enter in to meet the band and get a chance to interview them!


To enter the campaign, head to this page on Propeller and complete one of the actions to gain points to get a chance to win this opportunity. Each point constitutes one additional entry. Actions include subscribing to the MFR Newsletter, donating to the organization (five points for every dollar!), watching videos, buying Linkin Park merchandise, and more.


Winning the contest will win you a variety of things: Propeller will fly you and a friend to Los Angeles (with hotel fees covered for two nights at a pretty high-profile hotel - the Sunset Marquee at the Sunset Strip) where you'll be able to go to Linkin Park HQ and meet the band members and see what's going on over there. The band will take you to some of their favorite spots around town - including the shooting location of Fort Minor's 'Welcome' - too. After it's all over, you'll be going over the Facebook Live to interview the band about their Power The World campaign - and don't worry, you'll have millions of people feeding you questions.


The campaign ends on September 29, so you have plenty of time to enter! The contest is limited to people the age of 18 and above, but is applicable worldwide. Even if you don't win, you're donating to charity, so it's a win-win situation here. Who's going to enter?


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