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Grey Daze

112 shows in this category

  1. 1997.10.04 Tempe, Arizona

    Photo Icon: , Yes, Year: 1997 Month: 10 Day: 04 Show Date: 10/04/1997 Previous Show: greydaze/19971003 URL Link: greydaze/19971004 Next Show: greydaze/19971012 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Electric Ballroom Venue Type: Bar/Club Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: Opening for Faith No More Event/Festival Italics: , Yes, Other Bands:

    Faith No More, Limp Bizkit, *

    Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: cancelledshow Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Show Notes:

    - Initially, Grey Daze were announced as the sole openers for Faith No More's show in Electric Ballroom, but after some time, Limp Bizkit were also added to the bill. The show was then moved to Celebrity Theater in Phoenix due to Electric Ballroom losing its alcohol license just two days before the gig was supposed to happen and Grey Daze were dropped from the bill. The Ballroom had never fully reopened after the incident.

    Other Notes:

    - Grey Daze were the resident band for Electric Ballroom and played a huge number of shows there during the years of its existence.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  2. 1997.06.06 Tempe, Arizona

    Year: 1997 Month: 06 Day: 06 Show Date: 06/06/1997 Previous Show: greydaze/19970530 URL Link: greydaze/19970606 Next Show: greydaze/19970726 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Electric Ballroom Venue Type: Bar/Club Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: Opening for Failure Event/Festival Italics: , Yes, Other Bands:

    Failure, Poster Children, Jesus Chrysler Supercar, *

    Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Other Notes:

    - Grey Daze were the resident band for Electric Ballroom and played a huge number of shows there during the years of its existence.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  3. 1998.02.21 Tempe, Arizona

    Photo Icon: , Yes, Year: 1998 Month: 02 Day: 21 Show Date: 02/21/1998 Previous Show: greydaze/19980213 URL Link: greydaze/19980221 Next Show: greydaze/19980317 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Gibson's Venue Type: Bar/Club Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: Opening for Dread Zeppelin Event/Festival Italics: , Yes, Other Bands:

    Dread Zeppelin, *, Les Payne Project

    Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Song No 2: 02 Song No 3: 03 Song No 4: 04 Song No 5: 05 Song No 6: 06 Song No 7: 07 Song No 8: 08 Song No 9: 09 Song No 10: 10 Song No 11: 11 Song No 12: 12 Song No 13: 13 Song No 14: 14 Song No 15: 15 Song No 16: 16 Song No 17: 17 Song No 18: 18 Song No 19: 19 Song No 20: 20 Song No 21: 21 Song No 22: 22 Song No 23: 23 Song No 24: 24 Song No 25: 25 Show Photo Link: Yes Show/Tour Poster Link: Yes Ticket Stub Link: Yes Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  4. 1998.10.17 Tempe, Arizona

    Photo Icon: , Yes, Year: 1998 Month: 10 Day: 17 Show Date: 10/17/1998 Previous Show: greydaze/1998xxxx-2 URL Link: greydaze/19981017 Next Show: greydaze/19981023 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Gibson's Venue Type: Bar/Club Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: Opening for Dislocated Styles Event/Festival Italics: , Yes, Other Bands:

    Dislocated Styles, *, Bionic Jive, Mission G

    Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Other Notes:

    - Sometime in the second half of 1998, shortly after the tour to Southern California, the band members separated their ways. Grey Daze's manager Kerry Rose: "We did a small tour into Southern California, including a fantastic show at the Whiskey a Go Go on the Sunset Strip. Although we had other record companies looking at us, nobody came forward. After that tour, the band was at a crossroads. It really didn't seem like continuing forward made sense unless we could move to the next level. I had invested over $10,000 in the band". The overall frustration over the band's limited success has led to more personal conflicts between the band members, so Chester and Mace Beyers decided to leave the band. However, Sean Dowdell and Bobby Benish decided to keep it going and added a female singer Jodi Wendt and bassist Dave Sardegna to the band. The band did a few shows under the name Grey Daze, but soon after they changed their name to Waterface with all original material written by the new lineup.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  5. 1997.10.03 Tempe, Arizona

    Year: 1997 Month: 10 Day: 03 Show Date: 10/03/1997 Previous Show: greydaze/19970906 URL Link: greydaze/19971003 Next Show: greydaze/19971004 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Big Fish Pub Venue Type: Bar/Club Event/Festival Italics: 0 Other Bands:

    *, Zig Zag Black, John, Bldg.5

    Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  6. 1997.12.19 Tempe, Arizona

    Photo Icon: , Yes, Year: 1997 Month: 12 Day: 19 Show Date: 12/19/1997 Previous Show: greydaze/19971212 URL Link: greydaze/19971219 Next Show: greydaze/19971231 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: The Bash On Ash @ McDuffy's Venue Type: Bar/Club Event/Festival Italics: 0 Other Bands:

    *, Velvet Blue, Jan Zero

    Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  7. 1998.10.23 Tempe, Arizona

    Year: 1998 Month: 10 Day: 23 Show Date: 10/23/1998 Previous Show: greydaze/19981017 URL Link: greydaze/19981023 Next Show: greydaze/19981024 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Mill Avenue Sport Rock Cafe Venue Type: Bar/Club Event/Festival Italics: 0 Other Bands:

    *, The Robies, GPT Restraint, Sidetracked

    Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Other Notes:

    - Sometime in the second half of 1998, shortly after the tour to Southern California, the band members separated their ways. Grey Daze's manager Kerry Rose: "We did a small tour into Southern California, including a fantastic show at the Whiskey a Go Go on the Sunset Strip. Although we had other record companies looking at us, nobody came forward. After that tour, the band was at a crossroads. It really didn't seem like continuing forward made sense unless we could move to the next level. I had invested over $10,000 in the band". The overall frustration over the band's limited success has led to more personal conflicts between the band members, so Chester and Mace Beyers decided to leave the band. However, Sean Dowdell and Bobby Benish decided to keep it going and added a female singer Jodi Wendt and bassist Dave Sardegna to the band. The band did a few shows under the name Grey Daze, but soon after they changed their name to Waterface with all original material written by the new lineup.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  8. 2002.09.07 Phoenix, Arizona

    Year: 2002 Month: 09 Day: 07 Show Date: 09/07/2002 Previous Show: greydaze/xxxxxxxx-4g URL Link: greydaze/20020907 Next Show: greydaze/20170923 City: Phoenix State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Dodge Theatre Venue Type: Theatre Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: Bobby Benish Benefit Event/Festival Italics: 0 Other Bands:

    *, Phunk Junkeez, Pokerface, Gift

    Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: cancelledshow Notes: 0 Song Name 1: canceled Song No 2: 02 Song No 3: 03 Song No 4: 04 Song No 5: 05 Song No 6: 06 Song No 7: 07 Song No 8: 08 Song No 9: 09 Song No 10: 10 Song No 11: 11 Song No 12: 12 Song No 13: 13 Song No 14: 14 Song No 15: 15 Song No 16: 16 Song No 17: 17 Song No 18: 18 Song No 19: 19 Song No 20: 20 Song No 21: 21 Song No 22: 22 Song No 23: 23 Song No 24: 24 Song No 25: 25 Other Notes:

    - The show was planned as a benefit for former Grey Daze member Bobby Benish, who was having difficulty paying his medical bills since being diagnosed with a brain tumor. It was going to be a one-off reunion show at the Dodge Theatre in Phoenix with Phunk Junkeez, Pokerface and Gift joining Grey Daze on the bill for the night, but was later indefinitely postponed.

    - According to Linkin Park's official website, the show was postponed because of "unavoidable time constraints of recording the next Linkin Park album". The announcement came on August 28, 2002. In a statement posted on the site Bennington said, "It's very unfortunate that we are having to postpone this concert but our management has pulled everyone back from vacations and various activities in order to meet our recording obligations. However I will continue to help Bobby and his family at this very difficult time. I’d also like to thank the fans in Phoenix that were willing to support me in this endeavor".

    - Unfortunately, Bobby died on September 28, 2004. The show never happened.

    - When asked if he was invited as the bass player for the event, the band's former bassist Mace Beyers said: "Yes, I was invited. Chester flew me out to California, I stayed with him for a few weeks and the show got canceled. I believe it was the label's bullshit that caused that cancellation. They also blocked the re-release of No Sun Today".

    - According to Sean Dowdell, the guitarist for the event was going to be Jason Barnes and there were no rehearsals before the show got postponed/canceled.

    Show Photo Link: Yes Show/Tour Poster Link: Yes Ticket Stub Link: Yes Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  9. 1997.02.22 Tempe, Arizona

    Year: 1997 Month: 02 Day: 22 Show Date: 02/22/1997 Previous Show: greydaze/19970212 URL Link: greydaze/19970222 Next Show: greydaze/19970315 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Big Fish Pub Venue Type: Bar/Club Event/Festival Italics: 0 Other Bands:

    *, Necessary Enemy, Freud's Mom, Firesky

    Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  10. 1997.09.06 Tempe, Arizona

    Year: 1997 Month: 09 Day: 06 Show Date: 09/06/1997 Previous Show: greydaze/19970823 URL Link: greydaze/19970906 Next Show: greydaze/19971003 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Big Fish Pub Venue Type: Bar/Club Event/Festival Italics: 0 Other Bands:

    *, Love Not Human, Thinkadectomy

    Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  11. 1998.01.17 Tempe, Arizona

    Year: 1998 Month: 01 Day: 17 Show Date: 01/17/1998 Previous Show: greydaze/1997xxxx URL Link: greydaze/19980117 Next Show: greydaze/19980131 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Mill Avenue Sport Rock Cafe Venue Type: Bar/Club Event/Festival Italics: 0 Other Bands:

    *, Jan Zero, Rub Cleo, Blue Healer

    Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  12. 1998.03.20 Tempe, Arizona

    Year: 1998 Month: 03 Day: 20 Show Date: 03/20/1998 Previous Show: greydaze/19980317 URL Link: greydaze/19980320 Next Show: greydaze/19980426 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Mill Avenue Sport Rock Cafe Venue Type: Bar/Club Event/Festival Italics: 0 Other Bands:

    *, Hollow, Jan Zero

    Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  13. 1997.12.12 Tempe, Arizona

    Year: 1997 Month: 12 Day: 12 Show Date: 12/12/1997 Previous Show: greydaze/19971115 URL Link: greydaze/19971212 Next Show: greydaze/19971219 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Mill Avenue Sport Rock Cafe Venue Type: Bar/Club Event/Festival Italics: 0 Other Bands:

    *, Eric Hates Everything

    Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  14. 1998.02.20 Tempe, Arizona

    Year: 1998 Month: 02 Day: 20 Show Date: 02/20/1998 Previous Show: greydaze/19980213 URL Link: greydaze/19980220 Next Show: greydaze/19980221 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Big Fish Pub Venue Type: Bar/Club Event/Festival Italics: 0 Other Bands:

    *, Bionic Jive, Mr. Pink, Secular End

    Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: xx Song Name 1: Anything, Anything Song Notes 1: Dramarama cover Other Notes:

    - A local AZ musician Mike Montoya remembering Chester and talking about this show on July 23rd, 2017: "I decided to wait a minute to say something about the loss of Chester Bennington. I remember being so blown away by his talents at big fish pub in Tempe, AZ. He sang my favorite dramarama song and just completely nailed it. I think that night was one of my first times seeing Robin Vining play with Mr. Pink.

    My heart and prayers go out to Chester's family and friends. I wasn't close to him but just the fact that pretty close friends of mine were shows how connected we all are.

    I really believe life is God's gift and yes sometimes it can feel "like a movie you want to leave early" ,but maybe someone got a crappy seat with the three day old sticky soda spill. Or maybe someone doesn't have anyone to sit with?

    Anyhow, anyone feeling like this, feel free to contact me at anytime. God bless you and Chester!".

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  15. 1997.05.30 Tempe, Arizona

    Photo Icon: , Yes, Year: 1997 Month: 05 Day: 30 Show Date: 05/30/1997 Previous Show: greydaze/19970523 URL Link: greydaze/19970530 Next Show: greydaze/19970606 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Club Tattoo Event/Festival Italics: 0 Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Song No 2: 02 Song No 3: 03 Song No 4: 04 Song No 5: 05 Song No 6: 06 Song No 7: 07 Song No 8: 08 Song No 9: 09 Song No 10: 10 Song No 11: 11 Song No 12: 12 Song No 13: 13 Song No 14: 14 Song No 15: 15 Song No 16: 16 Song No 17: 17 Song No 18: 18 Song No 19: 19 Song No 20: 20 Song No 21: 21 Song No 22: 22 Song No 23: 23 Song No 24: 24 Song No 25: 25 Show Photo Link: Yes Show/Tour Poster Link: Yes Ticket Stub Link: Yes Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  16. 1995.12.28 Tempe, Arizona

    Year: 1995 Month: 12 Day: 28 Show Date: 12/28/1995 Previous Show: greydaze/19951117 URL Link: greydaze/19951228 Next Show: greydaze/19951231 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Electric Ballroom Venue Type: Bar/Club Event/Festival Italics: 0 Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: 0 Song No 1: xx Song Name 1: Morei Sky Song No 2: 02 Song No 3: 03 Song No 4: 04 Song No 5: 05 Song No 6: 06 Song No 7: 07 Song No 8: 08 Song No 9: 09 Song No 10: 10 Song No 11: 11 Song No 12: 12 Song No 13: 13 Song No 14: 14 Song No 15: 15 Song No 16: 16 Song No 17: 17 Song No 18: 18 Song No 19: 19 Song No 20: 20 Song No 21: 21 Song No 22: 22 Song No 23: 23 Song No 24: 24 Song No 25: 25 Show Notes:

    - According to a show attendee, the band performed the majority of Wake Me album. He named 'Morei Sky' as an example.

    Other Notes:

    - Grey Daze were the resident band for Electric Ballroom and played a huge number of shows there during the years of its existence.

    Show Photo Link: Yes Show/Tour Poster Link: Yes Ticket Stub Link: Yes Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
  17. 1994.xx.xx Phoenix, Arizona

    Year: 1994 Month: xx Day: xx Show Date: 01/02/1994 Previous Show: greydaze/19930531 URL Link: greydaze/1994xxxx Next Show: greydaze/19940122 City: Phoenix State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: McDowell Studios Venue Type: Studio Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: Rehearsal Event/Festival Italics: Yes Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:

    Source 1: Audio (Cassette Tape)

    Taper: Grey Daze

    Time: 14:46

    Format: mp3

    Comments: Obtained from Jonathan Krause by LPLive and released along with "Grey Daze Story" in October, 2015. 'Wake Me' is cut.

    Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Come On Song Notes 1: Rehearsal; Early Version Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Smoke Mouth Song Notes 2: Rehearsal; Early Version Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Painted Song Notes 3: Rehearsal Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Wake Me Song Notes 4: Rehearsal Song No 5: 05 Song No 6: 06 Song No 7: 07 Song No 8: 08 Song No 9: 09 Song No 10: 10 Song No 11: 11 Song No 12: 12 Song No 13: 13 Song No 14: 14 Song No 15: 15 Song No 16: 16 Song No 17: 17 Song No 18: 18 Song No 19: 19 Song No 20: 20 Song No 21: 21 Song No 22: 22 Song No 23: 23 Song No 24: 24 Song No 25: 25 Show Notes:

    - A recording of this rehearsal was obtained from Jonathan Krause by LPLive and released along with "Grey Daze Story" in October, 2015. According to Jonathan, the band practiced at McDowell Studios in Phoenix at the time and assumes it was the place it was recorded at.

    - On the recording, we can hear the band performing four songs in jamming form with 'Come On' and 'Smoke Mouth' being less developed comparing to the other two that sound nearly identical to their other known recordings.

    - Before 'Wake Me', Chester also jokingly rehearsed his introduction of the other band members (Jonathan, Steve, Sean), thus confirming Steve Mitchell was still in the band which means it was recorded sometime in the first few months of 1994.

    Show Photo Link: Yes Show/Tour Poster Link: Yes Ticket Stub Link: Yes Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  18. 1992.11.xx Phoenix, Arizona

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 1992 Month: 11 Day: xx Show Date: 11/02/1992 Previous Show: greydaze/1992xxxx URL Link: greydaze/199211xx Next Show: greydaze/19930319 City: Phoenix State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Greenway High School Event/Festival Italics: 0 Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Show Notes:

    - Judging by the photos from this improvised show, it looks like Chester and Jason Cekoric (bass) were the only Sean Dowdell And His Friends members that took part in this performance, unless the other members of the band were playing from a different side of the courtyard.

    Other Notes:

    - The clipping below comes from the Greenway High School's 1993 Yearbook, according to which, it was a performance during the extended lunch period on one of the school's newly implemented "flex schedule days". This novation was also covered in the November 20th ,1992 issue of Greenway High School's own newspaper called Demon Dispatch with a photo of Chester and Jason appearing on the front cover. Both of the photos were taken by the same photographer. The exact date is unknown, but it's possible it was just one of many performances of that kind.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
  19. 1995.02.03 Tempe, Arizona

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 1995 Month: 02 Day: 03 Show Date: 02/03/1995 Previous Show: greydaze/19950116 URL Link: greydaze/19950203 Next Show: greydaze/19950204 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Electric Ballroom Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: "After Hours" night Event/Festival Italics: 0 Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Other Notes:

    - Grey Daze performed from 1:00 to 4:00 AM every Friday and Saturday of February, 1995 during Electric Ballroom's "After Hours" nights. The band performed sets entirely consisted of songs by Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Candlebox, The Cult and others. The price of admission was only 2$.

    - According to the article titled "Tempe council approves nightclub's after-hours bid" from the January 18th, 1995 issue of Arizona Republic, the Electric Ballroom's owner Jim Torgeson had trouble obtaining a legal permit for the club to remain open after 01:00 AM, but eventually gained it after the meeting with Tempe's City Council members that also included his business partners and Grey Daze's manager Kerry Rose, who most likely had to participate to defend interests of Grey Daze that started playing the Ballroom's "After Hours" gigs in less than two weeks after the meeting.

    - When asked about the reasons and overall story behind these shows, Jonathan Krause explained: "We wanted to get our name out there. Actually, it was a brilliant idea. We would purposely try and slip in some of our originals. Some shows were a bust playing covers to an empty house. Those nights were like practice sessions. Gave us time to work on our stage presence. I don't remember how much more they continued to play these types of shows after I left".

    - According to Mace Beyers, the band's second bassist who replaced Jonathan Krause after he left and also the Ballroom's production manager at the time, he first saw the band during one of the "After Hours" nights and joined them pretty soon after that. Sean Dowdell remembers playing with him during those nights, so we can safely assume that Jonathan left the band around February of 1995.

    - Grey Daze were the resident band for Electric Ballroom and played a huge number of shows there during the years of its existence.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
  20. 1995.02.04 Tempe, Arizona

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 1995 Month: 02 Day: 04 Show Date: 02/04/1995 Previous Show: greydaze/19950203 URL Link: greydaze/19950204 Next Show: greydaze/19950210 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Electric Ballroom Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: "After Hours" night Event/Festival Italics: 0 Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Other Notes:

    - Grey Daze performed from 1:00 to 4:00 AM every Friday and Saturday of February, 1995 during Electric Ballroom's "After Hours" nights. The band performed sets entirely consisted of songs by Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Candlebox, The Cult and others. The price of admission was only 2$.

    - According to the article titled "Tempe council approves nightclub's after-hours bid" from the January 18th, 1995 issue of Arizona Republic, the Electric Ballroom's owner Jim Torgeson had trouble obtaining a legal permit for the club to remain open after 01:00 AM, but eventually gained it after the meeting with Tempe's City Council members that also included his business partners and Grey Daze's manager Kerry Rose, who most likely had to participate to defend interests of Grey Daze that started playing the Ballroom's "After Hours" gigs in less than two weeks after the meeting.

    - When asked about the reasons and overall story behind these shows, Jonathan Krause explained: "We wanted to get our name out there. Actually, it was a brilliant idea. We would purposely try and slip in some of our originals. Some shows were a bust playing covers to an empty house. Those nights were like practice sessions. Gave us time to work on our stage presence. I don't remember how much more they continued to play these types of shows after I left".

    - According to Mace Beyers, the band's second bassist who replaced Jonathan Krause after he left and also the Ballroom's production manager at the time, he first saw the band during one of the "After Hours" nights and joined them pretty soon after that. Sean Dowdell remembers playing with him during those nights, so we can safely assume that Jonathan left the band around February of 1995.

    - Grey Daze were the resident band for Electric Ballroom and played a huge number of shows there during the years of its existence.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
  21. 1995.02.10 Tempe, Arizona

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 1995 Month: 02 Day: 10 Show Date: 02/10/1995 Previous Show: greydaze/19950204 URL Link: greydaze/19950210 Next Show: greydaze/19950211 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Electric Ballroom Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: "After Hours" night Event/Festival Italics: 0 Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Other Notes:

    - Grey Daze performed from 1:00 to 4:00 AM every Friday and Saturday of February, 1995 during Electric Ballroom's "After Hours" nights. The band performed sets entirely consisted of songs by Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Candlebox, The Cult and others. The price of admission was only 2$.

    - According to the article titled "Tempe council approves nightclub's after-hours bid" from the January 18th, 1995 issue of Arizona Republic, the Electric Ballroom's owner Jim Torgeson had trouble obtaining a legal permit for the club to remain open after 01:00 AM, but eventually gained it after the meeting with Tempe's City Council members that also included his business partners and Grey Daze's manager Kerry Rose, who most likely had to participate to defend interests of Grey Daze that started playing the Ballroom's "After Hours" gigs in less than two weeks after the meeting.

    - When asked about the reasons and overall story behind these shows, Jonathan Krause explained: "We wanted to get our name out there. Actually, it was a brilliant idea. We would purposely try and slip in some of our originals. Some shows were a bust playing covers to an empty house. Those nights were like practice sessions. Gave us time to work on our stage presence. I don't remember how much more they continued to play these types of shows after I left".

    - According to Mace Beyers, the band's second bassist who replaced Jonathan Krause after he left and also the Ballroom's production manager at the time, he first saw the band during one of the "After Hours" nights and joined them pretty soon after that. Sean Dowdell remembers playing with him during those nights, so we can safely assume that Jonathan left the band around February of 1995.

    - Grey Daze were the resident band for Electric Ballroom and played a huge number of shows there during the years of its existence.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
  22. 1995.02.11 Tempe, Arizona

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 1995 Month: 02 Day: 11 Show Date: 02/11/1995 Previous Show: greydaze/19950210 URL Link: greydaze/19950211 Next Show: greydaze/19950214 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Electric Ballroom Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: "After Hours" night Event/Festival Italics: 0 Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Other Notes:

    - Grey Daze performed from 1:00 to 4:00 AM every Friday and Saturday of February, 1995 during Electric Ballroom's "After Hours" nights. The band performed sets entirely consisted of songs by Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Candlebox, The Cult and others. The price of admission was only 2$.

    - According to the article titled "Tempe council approves nightclub's after-hours bid" from the January 18th, 1995 issue of Arizona Republic, the Electric Ballroom's owner Jim Torgeson had trouble obtaining a legal permit for the club to remain open after 01:00 AM, but eventually gained it after the meeting with Tempe's City Council members that also included his business partners and Grey Daze's manager Kerry Rose, who most likely had to participate to defend interests of Grey Daze that started playing the Ballroom's "After Hours" gigs in less than two weeks after the meeting.

    - When asked about the reasons and overall story behind these shows, Jonathan Krause explained: "We wanted to get our name out there. Actually, it was a brilliant idea. We would purposely try and slip in some of our originals. Some shows were a bust playing covers to an empty house. Those nights were like practice sessions. Gave us time to work on our stage presence. I don't remember how much more they continued to play these types of shows after I left".

    - According to Mace Beyers, the band's second bassist who replaced Jonathan Krause after he left and also the Ballroom's production manager at the time, he first saw the band during one of the "After Hours" nights and joined them pretty soon after that. Sean Dowdell remembers playing with him during those nights, so we can safely assume that Jonathan left the band around February of 1995.

    - Grey Daze were the resident band for Electric Ballroom and played a huge number of shows there during the years of its existence.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
  23. 1995.02.17 Tempe, Arizona

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 1995 Month: 02 Day: 17 Show Date: 02/17/1995 Previous Show: greydaze/19950214 URL Link: greydaze/19950217 Next Show: greydaze/19950218 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Electric Ballroom Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: "After Hours" night Event/Festival Italics: 0 Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Other Notes:

    - Grey Daze performed from 1:00 to 4:00 AM every Friday and Saturday of February, 1995 during Electric Ballroom's "After Hours" nights. The band performed sets entirely consisted of songs by Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Candlebox, The Cult and others. The price of admission was only 2$.

    - According to the article titled "Tempe council approves nightclub's after-hours bid" from the January 18th, 1995 issue of Arizona Republic, the Electric Ballroom's owner Jim Torgeson had trouble obtaining a legal permit for the club to remain open after 01:00 AM, but eventually gained it after the meeting with Tempe's City Council members that also included his business partners and Grey Daze's manager Kerry Rose, who most likely had to participate to defend interests of Grey Daze that started playing the Ballroom's "After Hours" gigs in less than two weeks after the meeting.

    - When asked about the reasons and overall story behind these shows, Jonathan Krause explained: "We wanted to get our name out there. Actually, it was a brilliant idea. We would purposely try and slip in some of our originals. Some shows were a bust playing covers to an empty house. Those nights were like practice sessions. Gave us time to work on our stage presence. I don't remember how much more they continued to play these types of shows after I left".

    - According to Mace Beyers, the band's second bassist who replaced Jonathan Krause after he left and also the Ballroom's production manager at the time, he first saw the band during one of the "After Hours" nights and joined them pretty soon after that. Sean Dowdell remembers playing with him during those nights, so we can safely assume that Jonathan left the band around February of 1995.

    - Grey Daze were the resident band for Electric Ballroom and played a huge number of shows there during the years of its existence.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
  24. 1995.02.18 Tempe, Arizona

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 1995 Month: 02 Day: 18 Show Date: 02/18/1995 Previous Show: greydaze/19950217 URL Link: greydaze/19950218 Next Show: greydaze/19950224 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Electric Ballroom Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: "After Hours" night Event/Festival Italics: 0 Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Other Notes:

    - Grey Daze performed from 1:00 to 4:00 AM every Friday and Saturday of February, 1995 during Electric Ballroom's "After Hours" nights. The band performed sets entirely consisted of songs by Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Candlebox, The Cult and others. The price of admission was only 2$.

    - According to the article titled "Tempe council approves nightclub's after-hours bid" from the January 18th, 1995 issue of Arizona Republic, the Electric Ballroom's owner Jim Torgeson had trouble obtaining a legal permit for the club to remain open after 01:00 AM, but eventually gained it after the meeting with Tempe's City Council members that also included his business partners and Grey Daze's manager Kerry Rose, who most likely had to participate to defend interests of Grey Daze that started playing the Ballroom's "After Hours" gigs in less than two weeks after the meeting.

    - When asked about the reasons and overall story behind these shows, Jonathan Krause explained: "We wanted to get our name out there. Actually, it was a brilliant idea. We would purposely try and slip in some of our originals. Some shows were a bust playing covers to an empty house. Those nights were like practice sessions. Gave us time to work on our stage presence. I don't remember how much more they continued to play these types of shows after I left".

    - According to Mace Beyers, the band's second bassist who replaced Jonathan Krause after he left and also the Ballroom's production manager at the time, he first saw the band during one of the "After Hours" nights and joined them pretty soon after that. Sean Dowdell remembers playing with him during those nights, so we can safely assume that Jonathan left the band around February of 1995.

    - Grey Daze were the resident band for Electric Ballroom and played a huge number of shows there during the years of its existence.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
  25. 1995.02.24 Tempe, Arizona

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 1995 Month: 02 Day: 24 Show Date: 02/24/1995 Previous Show: greydaze/19950218 URL Link: greydaze/19950224 Next Show: greydaze/19950225 City: Tempe State: Arizona State Abbr: AZ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Electric Ballroom Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: "After Hours" night Event/Festival Italics: 0 Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Unknown Other Notes:

    - Grey Daze performed from 1:00 to 4:00 AM every Friday and Saturday of February, 1995 during Electric Ballroom's "After Hours" nights. The band performed sets entirely consisted of songs by Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Candlebox, The Cult and others. The price of admission was only 2$.

    - According to the article titled "Tempe council approves nightclub's after-hours bid" from the January 18th, 1995 issue of Arizona Republic, the Electric Ballroom's owner Jim Torgeson had trouble obtaining a legal permit for the club to remain open after 01:00 AM, but eventually gained it after the meeting with Tempe's City Council members that also included his business partners and Grey Daze's manager Kerry Rose, who most likely had to participate to defend interests of Grey Daze that started playing the Ballroom's "After Hours" gigs in less than two weeks after the meeting.

    - When asked about the reasons and overall story behind these shows, Jonathan Krause explained: "We wanted to get our name out there. Actually, it was a brilliant idea. We would purposely try and slip in some of our originals. Some shows were a bust playing covers to an empty house. Those nights were like practice sessions. Gave us time to work on our stage presence. I don't remember how much more they continued to play these types of shows after I left".

    - According to Mace Beyers, the band's second bassist who replaced Jonathan Krause after he left and also the Ballroom's production manager at the time, he first saw the band during one of the "After Hours" nights and joined them pretty soon after that. Sean Dowdell remembers playing with him during those nights, so we can safely assume that Jonathan left the band around February of 1995.

    - Grey Daze were the resident band for Electric Ballroom and played a huge number of shows there during the years of its existence.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
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