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Posts posted by Steffen575

  1. Well I remember one interview... they said, that they are able to do a new album (like Meteora or Hybrid Theory) in just one week. So when they really want to release something new, than it could be possible to happen. :)


    But actually, I also think that they won't release a new album in 2011. ;)

  2. First I've ever heard of anyone posting a RECORDING of a show on Warez-BB instead of a torrent lol

    LOL. All the cool kids use RapidShare!

    Well, I don't know where verbatim2 comes from. But if he is german, I can really understand why he does not use torrents... Music industry and government are searching for any breaks of copyright. So if you upload you will probably caught and that would cost very much, maybe also imprisonment...

    (Ok he wanted to upload something he has recorded for himself, but he does not have the copyright on the show, so Warner Music Germany does not want to see this. Germans, like I am, can't watch this video of Waiting for the End:

    It says: "Dieses Video enthält Content von WMG. Es ist in deinem Land nicht verfügbar." What means: This video includes content of WMG. It isn't available in your country.)


    I know, most of you can watch every video they want and never get such a message, but maybe you can now understand, what the problem with torrents and so on for, especially, germans is. ;)

  3. As I listened the first time to The Messenger on the album I was like: "Ok... they dropped all of the power from catalyst and let the album come to an end... really sad!" at the beginning and: "Well that was nice! Want to hear it live!"


    And after Stuttgart and Frankfurt, I think it's the most impressive and deep touching song they ever done! I love the end of the live version!



    And Chester lifting his hands in the end, as if he talked to god before. That's so nice.

  4. Although the most informations are given in the news section, I would like to share a picture of Chester and Brad that I really like!

    Posted Image


    Btw: I stood near SpikeMinoda, I think. :P He weared a red LPLive shirt, a black-white LP cap and complained about Chester and Mike looking each other seriously in the eyes, like they wanted to do some big over the bridge on Bleed It Out, and just did Burning In The Skies! ;)


    It was really amazing yesterday! :)

  5. I was in Mannheim in 2008 :D Amazing show with APFMH and PMA Studio Verison :)

    I was in Mannheim, too! :D I just hope they will come back.^^ Easy to get there from Heidelberg. ;)


    I got an E-Mail for the M&G today, but i cant come because i haven't got a ticket and nobody can drive me to Frankurt -.- :(

    How? oO You got an Email, but you had no ticket when you told them you would go to Frankfurt?

    I bought someone's ticket for Frankfurt, because he wasn't able to attend the show... Well if you could get to Frankfurt... Maybe you would still be able to get a ticket from someone selling his ticket in front of the Festhalle.

  6. Going to that date, too. I really hope for something new. It doesn't have to be the best setlist (everything will be fine, they can't do something bad :P), but one or two this-year-not-played songs would be great!!!


    The Main point would be a perfect show as a conclusion of this very nice German Tour! :) Oh yeah, can't wait for tonight!!! :D

  7. On the Stuttgart DSP the crowd is a bit more silent than on the Berlin one I think. But as I stood in the middle of the crowd on that Friday, I know that they weren't silent! :)

    So I think the better acoustic like someone posted as comment by Pooch and the Mix together makes the instruments and Voices bit clearer and therefore the crowd a bit more silent.

    Haven't got the Linz one :( So can't tell

  8. well you could stop pissing off people, telling in every post that you have it, that you listened to it and that you can download it at any time - well an update genius you cant since there is only 1 available download per code. there are more people who bought the live cds in past years and shared the show with everyone. that includes me. so get a life ***** :|

    Not my intention :( Sorry. And yes you're right... Although I got a mail to do now^^ I can't because I did once... :/ What a stupid thing!


    And thanks... I got a life! ;)

  9. And where? lol :D

    Well I am not interested^^, I payed for it so I can download it at anytime. :)


    Btw: The Email from downloads.linkinpark.com, that the content is available, arrived 27 hours after the release! -.-

  10. I think not many people are buying, and those who do, are not uploading.

    Or they aren't allowed to post it here, so they do not post. :D


    Btw: Listening to Stuttgart the fourth time. It fills the free time between Stuttgart and Frankfurt.^^

  11. Yes!!! Downloading it now :D The Intro of Stuttgart was much better ;) Mr. Hahn scratched it with more style :)

    We'll see which is the better one at all ;)


    Btw: Sharing the DSP on LPL is forbidden. I know. Don't want to.

    I just would like to post the DSP Pics on facebook... Do I own any rights to do this? :/ Can anyone tell me pls?

  12. In a few minutes I'm on my way to Hamburg. I really can't wait!

    But one question: When did the other concerts end?


    Doors Open 18:30 (I think it was opened a little bit earlier)

    The Futureheads 19:30-20:00

    Linkin Park 20:30-22:00 (On the ticket it was Begin at 20:00)

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