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the cool kid

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About the cool kid

  • Birthday 04/18/1993

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  1. im guessing your being sarcastic, thought noone had a stream, i just logged in anyway
  2. this might be a live stream http://www.orionmusicandmore.com/2012/rock...ing-livestream/ was just watching soundgarden, than evenescaence(how ever you spell that)
  3. What linkin park shows featured Aaron Lewis on crawling and do any of them have bootlegs, im not sure if it might of been chris Cornell but im remember a live version of crawling from the reanimation album.
  4. I'm hoping that im on the right thread for this, does anyone know if the The Raid:Redemption might be going state wide, as in will it be showing in florida too, or will it just be limited in select states, because what i'v seen so far, it just looks so awesome and im worried i wont be able to see it till DVD time....if it does go on DVD Edit- I need to investigate more before i come here here's a link for anyone who is curious too: http://www.sonyclassics.com/theraid/dates.html
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