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Posts posted by bout2break

  1. Sounds great :D


    You mean you'll be there super early like in "super early in the morning"? I don't know yet when to show up. From what I have experienced you get pretty much to the front (not first row of course but still quite a decent spot) if you arrive at the venue a couple of hours before doors open. I'm quite flexible though, there's always the option of skipping class ;)

  2. You guys are relentless. You wouldn't have seen it for another 5 days had the video not been leaked anyway, have some respect. We'll be going through the same thing before the new LP album comes out :rolleyes:

    I disagree. With the LP album, it's gonna be waaayyyyyyyyyy worse :P

  3. Classic LP concert: always the same, most popular songs; hardly any communication; great performance; great crowd.


    What I think was a little disappointing is that they stayed onstage all the time and didn't sing with the crowd. Really cool however, was to see Joe back in action and seeming to have fun. Also, I really enjoyed Mike's raps - Points was kick-ass. I miss Papercut though <_<


    All in all a great event, had lots of fun. But, as expected, nothing trailblazing.

  4. One think the I am very pissed about is the god-damn mods. This is the honest truth: Every band chat I've been, every question I've asked has NEVER been passed. I'm serious. I've looked at every transcript from my first band chat with Rob in 2007 to now. My question has never been passed. I honestly believe the LPU chat needs new mods that passes the questions. I am tired of DarkYath and darknessoverme being assholes.

    The same is true for me. I've never asked any senseless question like when they are coming to my country or any stuff you can look up on the internet. Instead, I've asked about things that really matter to us, like the next tour or the new album. My questions would never be passed.


    Sometimes I have a feeling like the mods don't want to set the band members under pressure to reveal something new and rather pass "feel-good questions". That would be stuff like, "Are you excited to go on tour again?" in which cases the answer is obvious.


    Anyway, it becomes frustrating if you don't have the chance to ask one single question in years.

  5. :lol: Highlights?


    My personal highlight was the question: "How can I help MFR?"


    That's a tough one to think of.


    And I still see the moderators writing "only good questions will be passed".


    No insult to you guys, I don't know how much control you have over this, but to state in the newsletter that the chat's going to be about MFR, the new album, and the summer tour is a joke. You could have told us this would be MFR exclusive, everyone would have known the deal and I wouldn't have wasted my time.

  6. Even though the LPU email said - chat admins decided to let through mostly questions about MFR, which made the chat extremely boring, at least for me.

    I think "mostly" is not quite correct. "Exclusively" is more like it. Except for the two questions that were like "How does MFR influence the new album?", which still didn't give us any new information.

  7. I'm starting to get a little pissed off about this chat. Yes, I do know how important MFR is and I do respect everyone who is involved. But I don't pay for the fu**ing MFR Underground, this is supposed to be about LP! NO news about the album so far, NO news about the tour so far. It makes me sick to hear "how can I get involved?" for the 100th time. If you REALLY want to get involved, search the freakin' web guys, no use trying to impress a band member!

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