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Everything posted by Chesterisinmyblood90

  1. I love the boxsets and am grateful we got them but I’m not gonna lie, they could have been better. Hybrid Theory 20 left out a ton of demos and I would have added With You (Live) from the Ozzfest CD and Runaway (Live) and One Step Closer (Live) from the Family Valued CD. I also would have added Step Up (Live) and My December (Live) from the Somewhere I Belong single, even though they were released in the Meteora era, they are totally Hybrid Theory era live tracks, I mean they put out a DVD with the box set that had a show from the same tour. I know Fuse couldn’t be released because of the sample but there was a lot of other demos left off of it as I mentioned. I know they never were going to give us everything as they want to save some stuff probably for the future vault releases but still. The live DVD’s for Hybrid Theory were kind of shit. Including Frat Party and Frat Party 2 was epic but as far as the shows went, idk. I love the PR02 show a lot but wish they didn’t edit the banter and all that. The banter back then is what made those eras so epic in part. However, Rock am Ring 2001 and the Fillmore… why? I would have rather had Docklands or a better mid 2001 show over Rock am Ring which we’ve had for ages. Hell, even an Ozzfest show would have been cool. The Fillmore was cool because it was their first true own tour, I guess that one was fine, but I would have liked to see a 2000 show. They could have included one more show, since the 2000 shows were so short anyways. I loved how the band sounded in 2000, it was raw and a great year. Meteora’s set was good except I would have added the Collision Course tracks (we now know they could have since they just reissued Collision Course on vinyl a few months ago and put Numb/Encore on Papercuts), it’s only 6 tracks and they are definitely Meteora era, just like Reanimation is to Hybrid Theory. I would have left off the PR02 tracks and they forget to add OSC from the Faint single which was good, I’d add that. The demos we got were cool but I would have liked a demo of Lost. The one shown on the Work In Progress DVD was even longer than what we originally knew. I want that one. Meteora 20’s live shit was good, way better than Hybrid Theory 20’s, and I hope Minutes To Midnight 20 follows suit. Nottingham in full was great, love having Hit The Floor. Of course you had to include Live In Texas, couldn’t not. The PR04 show was a holy grail just like the PR02 show was but the PR04 show was better because it was uncut, they didn’t remove banter. Personally I would have chose the Mountain View show (my favorite show of all time) or maybe Wantagh with Snoop, but it’s still a solid as hell show. Seoul 2003 is great. Manila 2004 is actually my favorite, love it. Philly 2003 is cool but I would have released a PR03 show instead since we already have Live In Texas for years from that tour.
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