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  1. Kind of completely missed the point I was making, but thanks anyway 👍🏼
  2. Do you really want to do this? I have a Marketing degree and have worked in the industry for 20 years; the countdown hitting zero and counting back up was the wrong move and has generated a considerable amount of backlash. Go and read the comments on social media. Why would they risk generating ill will when they had the world waiting with bated breath for an expected announcement when the countdown hit zero? There were over 56,000 people viewing the YouTube stream when it hit zero, only to see a little glitch and the countdown reverse and start counting up? Will they get widespread media coverage if and when they announce they are reforming? They’re Linkin Park. Of course they will. A countdown timer won’t change that. All they’ve managed to do with this stunt is create more confusion and have pissed off a good chunk of the fan base.
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