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Everything posted by LPBatman

  1. Oh fuck! If that's legit, I'm totally digging the artwork and the new LP logo
  2. "WTF! That's not who I voted for. And he doesn't even look nor sound like Chester! Back to Nickelback I go"
  3. I highly doubt that. I wouldn't leave a big decision like to the fans or anyone else outside of the band members themselves.
  4. If the clock continues uninterrupted, it should end at 7:15 pm (California local time). Didn't realize this before when it was first revealed, but that does align with shortly after the LPU event. It's scheduled to end at 5:30 pm. So whatever that event is, the LPU fans will know first followed by the rest of the world? EDIT: After looking at the timer again, it seems to have shifted a little so I would need to recalculate when it would end. Quick glance, it look like it would end at the 50 minute mark of whatever hour instead of minute 15
  5. But do they follow her? 👀
  6. Definitely think they're back in full time position. Maybe "being a part" of a music video shoot or possible documentary
  7. So if we go with assumption that the timer will be for another 200 hours, that puts us at 9:15 pm US Central. Seems pretty late for an announcement even at 7:15 pm in California
  8. So whatever happened to that Hybrid Theory tribute band? Where they posted the story of teasing big news on the eve of the BIO video update and then shortly deleted it. Were they just a bunch of dicks, riding the hype train? Also, I do find it interesting that multiple people have posted LP covers fairly recently.
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