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Posts posted by JordanLP

  1. Don't worry Geki, i dont really know you that well, but i agree with a lot of your points. Although, i have not heard a single note of new LP, i am quite hesitant, with the information and photos i have seen. I want LP to prove me wrong. I hope it is the greatest LP record yet. For some reason, I am starting to grow out of LP as well. I am not one of those "HT is god" fans, i do appreciate music post meteora. but i feel their music has not resonated with me since ATS. NIN has kind of overtaken LP as my favourite band, purely because the music and the lyrical content has resonated with me more as an adult. This may sound stupid, but I feel Nine Inch Nails is like the adult version of Linkin Park. I do also believe everyone has a right to voice their political opinions, but i just dont like musicians getting to politically involved IMO, especially with the SJW stuff. Anyways i am still eager to hear the new single, as i am interested to see, how much the lyrics have improved this time around. This is why i love lplive, even though we many never agree on things, at least there is never a dull moment haha! :)

  2. I've got a feeling this album is gonna go full indie/acoustic pop. Don't know how that will translate live if that is the case. Commercially it would make sense after doing an underground rock album. I really just want the lyrics to be on point on this album.

  3. Hi everyone, just became a member, I've been a long time Lplive reader, love the site! In regards to LP playing hits from hybrid theory and stuff for the fans. Wasn't the whole point of the bands decision to change their style to stop pleasing a certain crowd? This whole tours setlist so far has been nothing but trying to please the old/casual fans. If LP like doing that, then they should make an album like HT or meteora again, least they might play songs off it. I think we can all agree the medley has to go by the time the next album cycle tour hits. On the positive, Brad has really stepped his game up lately, chester's scream is amazing again and I love the new papercut intro!!!!!

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