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So, due to the recent events, there have been quite a few of these popping up, even MORE and fetching absurd prices. Examples such as the following:






http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hybrid-Theory-1999-Ep-Lpu-Cd-Grey-Daze-Chester-Bennington-Linkin-Park-/292207746817?hash=item4408f05f01%3Ag%3AtW8AAOSwoH1ZcQQ9&nma=true&si=QnJ1bHI%252Ba2gaut0McardT%252FDVOag%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557(Evidently fake "Original", No pic of back and VERY discolored)






All 5 of these copies are PROVEN fakes, even through the LPCatalog article:




Just want people to be VERY careful, as there are many of these scammers out there trying to make a quick buck. Heck even some Grey Daze CD's. Mainly sellers from Singapore and Malaysia have always made these so be on the lookout!


Crazy that people will spend all that money on items that have obvious typos that can be spotted by anyone. Rob Boudon? Mike Shinode? Josepph Hahn? ww.lpunderground.com? Ignorance is bliss.

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