Chester Bennington Live - 2016.07.02 Beijing, China
Show Information

Setlist: |
Notes: |
01. Improv Acoustic Jam | w/ random lyrics |
Show Notes:
- Lyrics were made up on the spot for this random performance.
- Immediately after the improv jam, a fan asked him to play another song which he quickly said "no" to.
Other Notes:
- As a part of his trip to China, Chester performed solo with an acoustic guitar for a few fans at Wangfujing, one of the most popular outdoor street markets in Beijing. It appears he just walked up to a street performance gathering and was asked to play a song.
- Lyrics:
"I don't even know what song this is
Ok, you guys all ready to sing with me?
We're going to make up the words, because I don't know what I'm doing
Everybody say hello
Say goodbye
Performing on the streets of Beijing
(? music), I'll do it anyway
This gentlemen over here is a lot better at playing the guitar than I am
That's alright
This is why I have the professionals play the music on the stage
and I just walk around and look at you
and sometimes sing too
Thank you very much Beijing"