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1stp Klosr

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  1. I am the friggin' idiot who started the "Disappointed in Road to Revolution?, Am I The Only One?" thread. And I have a confession to make... It turns out the Dolby Noise Reduction was turned off on my PS3, which is what I use as a DVD player. So when I watched the Road to Revolution DVD it sounded like hell, and I couldn't understand why. I realized a couple days ago the DNR was turned off and once I turned it back on everything sounded like I thought it would. I have watched it 4 times today, and I can't turn it off now that I can actually hear how great it is! I am embarrassed that I ever doubted the LP guys, the new DVD is absolutely incredible. Yes, it blows Live In Texas away - it's that fantastic! Sorry for any confusion I may have caused, and for being such a dumb ass. OK, let the bashing begin. Link to original thread: http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=637
  2. I am the friggin' idiot who started the "Disappointed in Road to Revolution?, Am I The Only One?" thread. And I have a confession to make... It turns out the Dolby Noise Reduction was turned off on my PS3, which is what I use as a DVD player. So when I watched the Road to Revolution DVD it sounded like hell, and I couldn't understand why. I realized a couple days ago the DNR was turned off and once I turned it back on everything sounded like I thought it would. I have watched it 4 times today, and I can't turn it off now that I can actually hear how great it is! I am embarrassed that I ever doubted the LP guys, the new DVD is absolutely incredible. Yes, it blows Live In Texas away - it's that fantastic! OK, let the bashing begin.
  3. I'm not talking about Chester's voice you guys, I'm talking "sound quality". I hear all kinds of distortion that I did not hear in ANY of the DSP's. It's as if the producers added this fake distortion sound post show.
  4. Well, unfortunately, I guess I'm happy to see that I am not the only one who thinks this new album sounds poor. I thought something was wrong with my car stereo, so I played it in my home stereo and it sounded just as bad. I am very disappointed that LP would release something that sounds as bad as this. Another point I would like to make, now that I realize it's "not just me" - what's up with people today not realizing what "QUALITY" sound. Is it because so many people download and listen to pathetic 128bit audio that they don't know what good sound is?
  5. I couldn't wait to buy the new CD/DVD the day it went on sale - been waiting for this day for months. Sadly, I think the sound quality is perhaps the poorest I have heard on a live performance CD in a long time. Not the performance by LP, it's great, but the editing/production quality is inferior at best. The recording from the show I attended in Dallas this past August sounds MUCH better than this new CD (in my opinion). Did I simply have my hopes too high? Are my expectations simply unrealistic? It seems that everyone here is very happy with the new album, and I think it's good too, just not as good as I had hoped for. Am I the only one that feels a little disappointed?
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