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Posts posted by Nebz

  1. lol

    Thanks for the positive feedback. It's been a while since I've listened to anything Linkin Park related (probably since Minutes to Midnight's release) but as soon as I heard "From the top to the bottom..." the fanboy in my head went crazy! Glad this actually helped... somewhat... and hopefully will help others.


    I will make sure to check back around when I can. ^_^

  2. Hi, this is my first post and I'm not really sure on the rules of bumping (since this topic is from December of LAST year) but I'd like to point out a song from "Xero" was actually featured on an episode.


    To be precise, it was Episode 20: Brother's Keeper. I'd say about 17 minutes into it a version of "Forgotten" can be heard. I spent some time looking it up days ago and couldn't find anything until today when I actually heard it for myself. Sooo... the Wiki doesn't lie. They are featured but not as an actual performance and from what I've seen with no credit at the end of the episode.


    Hope I've been of help... almost a year later :P


    EDIT: One thing is that whenever I searched for the song or about their performance this was always a top response/answer on Google. I figure it may help for those who may be redirected to the same place.

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