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  1. Hey guys, long time I know and to the most people who don't know me I use to run a old fan site for Linkin Park called ChesterSings.com. Lately my parents have been having a hard time so I was going through things to sell and found my box of Linkin Park collection. I was sadden to do it but I put an auction up of it all. Listed it to the best of my knowledge and I hope to see it go to a really good LP fan. ***************************************************************** http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...s%3DI%26otn%3D1 ***************************************************************** To any of the Mods before you think this is spam please talk to Mark. We havn't talked in awhile but I'm sure he would be ok with me posting this. If not I am sorry to cause any problems. And to any fans who remember my site Whats up =) -Taylor/ChesterSings
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