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  1. Brilliant song. The song can have many point of views, which makes it even more awesome. One that I have is about Chester and the horrific insident he has been through (sexual abuse). "Flashing your favorite point of view I know you're waiting in the distance - (the predator creeping up closely) Just like you always do Just like you always do Already pulling me in - (manipulating, sweet talking) Already under my skin - (literally under his skin) And I know exactly how this ends I let you cut me open, just to watch me bleed - (he allows the abuse) Gave up who I am for who you wanted me to be Don't know why I'm hoping for what I won't receive - (hoping for it to stop but it never does, hoping for better treatment) Falling for the promise of the emptiness machine" - (the predator is a empty shell/machine)
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