Mike Shinoda Live - 2018.10.14 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Show Information

Don Broco
Setlist: |
Notes: |
xx. Until It Breaks | Rehearsal; Shortened (Mike's Verses/Chester Verse Only) |
xx. World's On Fire | Rehearsal; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'Robot Boy' Synth Solo |
xx. Robot Boy | Rehearsal; Shortened (Intro, Synth Bridge, and Ending Instrumental Only) |
xx. About You | Rehearsal; Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Full Band |
---------------------------------------------------- | |
01. Welcome | Ext. Intro |
02. Make It Up As I Go | |
03. In Stereo | Remix Ending |
04. When They Come For Me | |
05. Ghosts | |
06. Sorry For Now | Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo |
07. Crossing A Line | |
08. Roads Untraveled | w/ Fan on Guitar |
09. Hold It Together | |
10. Castle Of Glass | Piano Style |
11. Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go | Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong + Short Piano Outro |
12. Iridescent | |
13. In The End | Piano Version |
14. Heavy | Piano Version; Shortened (Until Bridge) |
15. Numb | Piano Version |
16. About You | Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending |
17. Over Again | Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending |
18. Papercut | Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending |
---------------------------------------------------- | |
19. Robot Boy | Shortened (Intro, Synth Bridge, and Ending Instrumental Only) |
20. World's On Fire | Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'Robot Boy' Synth Solo |
21. Remember The Name | Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) |
22. Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out | Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus |
23. Running From My Shadow | Ext. Outro; w/ grandson |
Show Notes:
- After being absent for a few shows, 'Welcome' returned to the set to open the show.
- Dan performed a drum solo during the extended bridge of 'Sorry For Now'.
- LPLive staff member Dylan (Rogue Soul) was brought on stage to play guitar during Roads Untraveled.
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned halfway through 'Over Again.'
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
- Grandson joined Mike on stage for 'Running From My Shadow'.
Other Notes:
- Before the show, Mike and the band performed a soundcheck, rehearsing 'Until It Breaks', 'World's On Fire', 'Robot Boy', and 'About You' with a full band arrangement for the first time.
- After the soundcheck, Mike went to a haunted house with winners of a radio contest.
Source 1: Video - AUD (iPhone X)
Location: Left side of the crowd, near the front
Taper: RogueSoul
Time: 87:42 mins
Format: .MOV / 13.7 GB
Comments: Missing 'Sorry For Now' and 'Hold It Together.' 'Crossing A Line' and 'Roads Untraveled' filmed from backstage. Small cut during 'Papercut.' Full source posted on YouTube the night of the show. Released on LPLive on October 18, 2018.