Barely anyone has ever taped at Rock am Ring because everybody knows that a lot of it ends up later on TV anyway.
We have the a full proshot of this show? Why want something else? (And I'm a collector too)
Digicams were bad in those days. If they were able to do videos they were short and they sucked. The sound in the first rows sucks total ass anyway. It's just useless to look out for this stuff, you can never track it down, espiecally if the years go by.
They are TONS and TONS of recordings people do with camcorders at LP shows. But if they don't come forward and upload it somewhere, give it to a friend or an online trade list, there's just no way to find those people. It's a sad fact I know.
Trying to get stuff we already know about is the better option. Most of the recordings that we didnt have until a few years ago came out of the blue anyway.
If you are too obsessed in finding new stuff and if you finally found someone and bother the hell out of them (you know who you are if you read this), it's just makes things worse sometimes and scares people away forever eventually. I just wanted to have this said.