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Mike's LPU Chat Summary (6/26/13)


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For the same reason IMR didn't last very long in the live sets: Because Linkin Park has a singer who can't pull off half the stuff he does in the studio in a live setting anymore.

To sum up, Linkin Park sucks. Big news.

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I'll be highly disappointed if they don't mix up the set somehow. Doesn't need to be anything drastic. Swap out a couple songs for some other ones to return or add an entirely new one. I'm not asking nor expecting anything amazing at this point because it's pretty obvious they are set in their ways when it comes to the live show. It's too bad they can't take a page from Muse's book and go balls out at a hometown show. I hate to say it but it seems like they've really been phoning it in this cycle.

Edited by Hybrid1988
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If IBG will be played live, will have 2 guitars ?


I would like to know that, because Sean Paden said on twitter that he will build a new GGP for Mike Shinoda, i guess maybe, just maybe is a sign about a new song with new guitar.


What do you think?

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He said that the band will work to adjust the Set to add new LT songs. He said that to me when i asked about new Living Things songs on SSMF or Asian Tour.


Also he said that they didn't start the reheasals for the next Shows, and thats why he is unsure about the Setlist and I'll Be Gone (i asked about IBG too)

finally some great news.

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Sean Paden said to me on Twitter that the new GGP guitar is for Lost In The Echo and Step Up!.


What do you think?

Step Up is HT song, so now we need Xero songs (RME)?

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Step Up is HT song, so now we need Xero songs (RME)?

He said now that is only a "suggestion", but i really think that Step Up have good chances to come back, also will be a great time rest for Chester in the Show.


Mike if you are reading this, we really need that shit back! :lol:

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I wonder if Mike was just offering to be the producer for STP or if he actually wanted to be a member of the band.

Mike also joining STP would defeat the purpose of Chester using STP as a non-LP musical release. That's like if Chester sung the choruses for all the Fort Minor songs (if FM ever returns). STP would essentially become just an extension of Linkin Park.

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If IBG will be played live, will have 2 guitars ?

I don't really see why it would need two guitars. Mike would probably play keys.




Sean Paden said to me on Twitter that the new GGP guitar is for Lost In The Echo and Step Up!.


What do you think?

Step Up is a song that's always had one guitar part. I wouldn't look into that idea too much. Mike's probably just getting a second GGP for Lost in the Echo because he currently only has one guitar for that song. He actually used Chester's white GGP for the Mexico shows last year because his custom-painted one didn't make the trip with him. It's easy for the band to swap guitars between the A and B rigs because those two rigs constantly travel around the world anyway, but the C rig usually stays at their rehearsal studio and only gets used for local California shows and a few other random things (such as Mexico), so if Mike doesn't want to borrow Chester's guitar again at SSMF, he needs a second GGP built for him.

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It's really funny to me how almost every single post has been "man fuck this band ain't playin new shit god damn"


Welcome to the premiere Linkin Park fansite.


It would be pretty cool to see them break out Step Up at the next show, but it would be even cooler to see something that hasn't been played in a decade or more.

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i love Linkin Park to death but i think its time for them to stop "challenging" themselves and just go and write music that they can actually play live.

Im 50-50 with you, they should keep trying to improve themselves, Chester has never sang Crawling like he did in the studio and there's no problem with that in the other hand i think that multilayers vocals like in RB should be eliminated if they cant do em live, i've never liked the vocal track that they have in Iridescent live.

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